Access SQL Query



Primary Keys are in " "
Database Tables:
department ("deptNum", deptName, deptCity)
employee ("empNum", empName, empCity)
project ("projectNum", projectName, budget)
worksOn ("empNum, projectNum", deptNum, jobTitle, Year,

Give an expression in SQL for the following query. You may not use
temporary views unless instructed to do so:

(a) Find the average earning of everyone who worked on the projects on
which Carlos worked on. The empNum of Carlos is 1611.

Please view:

All the information I need is in that table. The main table is Project
the subtable is worksOn. I just need to average earningsperproject when
empNum = 1611

Douglas J. Steele

Sounds like a homework assignment to me.

We wouldn't be doing you any favour giving you the answer.

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