I have created a query where I concatenate (based on the basConcatenate
module sample created by Duane Hookem) comments from evaluation forms. The
problem I am having is that I need to filter the query or the results on the
subreport by date.
For the main report and other subreports I am using a Date Filter Dialog
form (similar to the example on Northwind) but when I try to do the same for
this subreport or even the concatenated query I receive an error which
highligts the lines on the module
rs.Open pstrSQL, CurrentProject.Connection, _
adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
Now I know this module works as I have used it previously but it doesn't
work with the filter.
My experience with VBA is limited though I do try to understand any samples
I use.
Can anyone explain where I am going wrong and hopefully point me in the
right direction.
Thanks in advance.
module sample created by Duane Hookem) comments from evaluation forms. The
problem I am having is that I need to filter the query or the results on the
subreport by date.
For the main report and other subreports I am using a Date Filter Dialog
form (similar to the example on Northwind) but when I try to do the same for
this subreport or even the concatenated query I receive an error which
highligts the lines on the module
rs.Open pstrSQL, CurrentProject.Connection, _
adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
Now I know this module works as I have used it previously but it doesn't
work with the filter.
My experience with VBA is limited though I do try to understand any samples
I use.
Can anyone explain where I am going wrong and hopefully point me in the
right direction.
Thanks in advance.