Access to Big Office button in Word 2007



My application hosts Word for creating .xml Templates.

I have to disable Big Office Button in Word 2007 as user should use only my
app's "Save" button as only .xml templates file should be saved.

With Word 2000,2002 and 2003 it worked fine as I was able to disable Main
Menu/FIle and Open/Save/New buttons from Word.ApplicationClass's CommandBars
All those items are found in Word 2007 collection but by disabling them I
can not disable BIg Ofiice BUtton menu items. It seems that they are in
totaly different collection.

Can somebody help me with it?

Cindy M.

Hi =?Utf-8?B?b2tzaQ==?=,
My application hosts Word for creating .xml Templates.

I have to disable Big Office Button in Word 2007 as user should use only my
app's "Save" button as only .xml templates file should be saved.

With Word 2000,2002 and 2003 it worked fine as I was able to disable Main
Menu/FIle and Open/Save/New buttons from Word.ApplicationClass's CommandBars
All those items are found in Word 2007 collection but by disabling them I
can not disable BIg Ofiice BUtton menu items. It seems that they are in
totaly different collection.

Can somebody help me with it?
This is not possible - BY DESIGN.

Office applications are (with the exception of Access) end-user products. As
such, the philosophy is that the end-user should have final control over the
application. After all, it's licensed for end-users; Office has no
"distributable developer run-time". The big Office button will always present
certain commands that will let the end-user retain final control over the

You can disable certain items, they're children of the officeMenu element, but
not everything.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or reply
in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)


Thank you, Cindy.

Cindy M. said:
Hi =?Utf-8?B?b2tzaQ==?=,

This is not possible - BY DESIGN.

Office applications are (with the exception of Access) end-user products. As
such, the philosophy is that the end-user should have final control over the
application. After all, it's licensed for end-users; Office has no
"distributable developer run-time". The big Office button will always present
certain commands that will let the end-user retain final control over the

You can disable certain items, they're children of the officeMenu element, but
not everything.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or reply
in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

In addition to Cindy's response, you can also intercept/hijack an attemtp to
use the Save/Save As commands by creating a macros with the names of those
commands -FileSave, FileSaveAs, etc.

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

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