Access Update Query



I am trying to create an update query, but i don't know
what expressions to use, if any. I need to create a form
to update products, prices, quantity, and customers.

Please help if you can.

Thank you,


Do I have to use code to do this? Can I just do it in an access database query by choosing Update Query for Query Type and typing something in this space? If I am supposed to type something in this space, what do I type to update the fields?

John Vinson

Do I have to use code to do this? Can I just do it in an access database query by choosing Update Query for Query Type and typing something in this space? If I am supposed to type something in this space, what do I type to update the fields?

What is "this"?

You can create an Update query (to edit existing records) or an Append
query (to create new records in a table). What you type into the
Update To field depends on... well, what you want to update to; since
I have no clue what that might be I can make no suggestions!

To run the query, simply click the ! icon in query design view; or
save the query and doubleclick the query name in the query window. Or
you can run the query from code or from a macro.


Okay, say I have a database that has test and assignment scores, and attendance. These fields need to be updated every time a score is added to the database or a day is added for when someone attended class. I am specifically asked to create a form to update tests, assignments, and attendance in this database.

The database has already been made and I am having a problem as to what I should type in the Update Query Field (if it is an expression).

Please be patient as I haven't used Access too much in the past and I don't understand the 'Lingo' associated with it.

Thank you kindly,

John Vinson

Okay, say I have a database that has test and assignment scores, and attendance. These fields need to be updated every time a score is added to the database or a day is added for when someone attended class. I am specifically asked to create a form to update tests, assignments, and attendance in this database.

What is the structure of your Table, or tables? Remember, you can see
your database; we cannot.

If you're storing derived data - such as the number of days present -
then consider NOT doing so. Anything that can be calculated from data
already in the table should be calculated on the fly in a Query rather
than stored in the table.
The database has already been made and I am having a problem as to what I should type in the Update Query Field (if it is an expression).

What you have not told us is what field you want to update, and what
you want to update it to, nor where that information is coming from.
Again - *you* know your problem. We do not.
Please be patient as I haven't used Access too much in the past and I don't understand the 'Lingo' associated with it.

If you'll please be as patient with me asking for clarifications, I'll
certainly try!

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