Access - update query



Good evening (at least here in South Africa) - could somebody please assist
with the structure for update queries. I am trying to accumulate two totals
in a 3rd file from data out of two other files.

File 1: tblLoanTrans

LoanTranID (ID)
LoanAccountID (relates to tblLoanAccount.LoanAccountID)
TranTypeID (relates to tblLoanTranType.LoanTranTypeID)

File 2: tblLoanTranType

LoanTranTypeID (ID)
TranType ('Charges / Capital')

File 3: tblLoanAccount

tblLoanAccountID (ID)

From tblLoanTrans update TotalCharges and TotalCapital on tblLoanAccount.
I've tried this with a series of 3 queries but keep on getting "Operation
must use an updateable query".

Any help would greatly appreciated...


Manfred said:
Good evening (at least here in South Africa) - could somebody please assist
with the structure for update queries. I am trying to accumulate two totals
in a 3rd file from data out of two other files.

File 1: tblLoanTrans

LoanTranID (ID)
LoanAccountID (relates to tblLoanAccount.LoanAccountID)
TranTypeID (relates to tblLoanTranType.LoanTranTypeID)

File 2: tblLoanTranType

LoanTranTypeID (ID)
TranType ('Charges / Capital')

File 3: tblLoanAccount

tblLoanAccountID (ID)

From tblLoanTrans update TotalCharges and TotalCapital on tblLoanAccount.
I've tried this with a series of 3 queries but keep on getting "Operation
must use an updateable query".

Any help would greatly appreciated...

Advice: What you are attempting to do--store calculated values in a
table--is a big no-no. Suppose you commit totals from a set of
transactions today. Tomorrow you add transactions. Now your totals are
wrong. Next week you want to update the totals. How do you know which
transactions have already been committed? Suppose an older transaction
is found to be in error. Now your totals are wrong.

Totals can easily be calculated on the fly using a totals query. They
will always be up to date with your data, and can easily be calculated
as of a point in time if desired.

If you really want to know how to do an update yours might look like
this (for Charges):

UPDATE tblLoanAccount.TotalCharges
SELECT SUM(tblLoanTrans.TranAmount)
FROM tblLoanTrans INNER JOIN tblLoanTranType
ON tblLoanTrans.LoanAccountID = tblLoanAccount.LoanAccountID
WHERE tblLoanTranType.TranType = 'Charges';

HOWEVER I would strongly recommend leaving out the entire first line of
that (UPDATE...) and simply store the rest as a SELECT query.


Smartin said:
Advice: What you are attempting to do--store calculated values in a
table--is a big no-no. Suppose you commit totals from a set of
transactions today. Tomorrow you add transactions. Now your totals are
wrong. Next week you want to update the totals. How do you know which
transactions have already been committed? Suppose an older transaction
is found to be in error. Now your totals are wrong.

Totals can easily be calculated on the fly using a totals query. They
will always be up to date with your data, and can easily be calculated
as of a point in time if desired.

If you really want to know how to do an update yours might look like
this (for Charges):

UPDATE tblLoanAccount.TotalCharges
SELECT SUM(tblLoanTrans.TranAmount)
FROM tblLoanTrans INNER JOIN tblLoanTranType
ON tblLoanTrans.LoanAccountID = tblLoanAccount.LoanAccountID
WHERE tblLoanTranType.TranType = 'Charges';

HOWEVER I would strongly recommend leaving out the entire first line of
that (UPDATE...) and simply store the rest as a SELECT query.
Thank you very much for the help - much appreciated. The reason I want to
store these totals is because I use them for further (rather complex)
calculations. I intend to "refresh" the totals before any forms or reports
based on a flag pending whether tarnsactions have been added/ edited.

John Spencer

Access won't let you update a field to a value that is calculated using sum.

You can do this using VBA functions DSum or you can populate (add records
to) an intermediate (temp) table with records that contain the data and then
update your final table with the results.

tblLoanAccount.tblLoanAccountID is a text field (If it is a number field
then Change """ to " and drop & """"")

UPDATE tblLoanAccount
Set TotalCharges = DSUM("TranAmount","tblLoanTrans","TranType =""Charges""
AND LoanAccountID=""" & tblLoanAccountID & """")
, TotalCapital = DSUM("TranAmount","tblLoanTrans","TranType =""Capital""
AND LoanAccountID=""" & tblLoanAccountID & """")

To build the temp table, you just need to do an aggregate query and use that
to populate the table

SELECT LoanAccountID, TranTypeID, Sum(TranAmount) as TotalAmount
FROM tblLoanTrans
GROUP BY LoanAccountID, TranTypeID

Once you have the values in the temp table, you would join that to
tblLoanAccount and populate the fields with two queries
UPDATE tblLoanAccount INNER JOIN tblTemp
On tblLoanAccount.tblLoanAccountId = [tblTemp].[LoanAccountID]
SET tblLoanAccount.TotalCharges = [tbltemp].[TotalAmount]
WHERE tblTemp.TranTypeID = "Charges"

Do a similar query for "Capital"


Thanks John. The field is a text field, "unbound".

John Spencer said:
Access won't let you update a field to a value that is calculated using sum.

You can do this using VBA functions DSum or you can populate (add records
to) an intermediate (temp) table with records that contain the data and then
update your final table with the results.

tblLoanAccount.tblLoanAccountID is a text field (If it is a number field
then Change """ to " and drop & """"")

UPDATE tblLoanAccount
Set TotalCharges = DSUM("TranAmount","tblLoanTrans","TranType =""Charges""
AND LoanAccountID=""" & tblLoanAccountID & """")
, TotalCapital = DSUM("TranAmount","tblLoanTrans","TranType =""Capital""
AND LoanAccountID=""" & tblLoanAccountID & """")

To build the temp table, you just need to do an aggregate query and use that
to populate the table

SELECT LoanAccountID, TranTypeID, Sum(TranAmount) as TotalAmount
FROM tblLoanTrans
GROUP BY LoanAccountID, TranTypeID

Once you have the values in the temp table, you would join that to
tblLoanAccount and populate the fields with two queries
UPDATE tblLoanAccount INNER JOIN tblTemp
On tblLoanAccount.tblLoanAccountId = [tblTemp].[LoanAccountID]
SET tblLoanAccount.TotalCharges = [tbltemp].[TotalAmount]
WHERE tblTemp.TranTypeID = "Charges"

Do a similar query for "Capital"

Manfred said:
Good evening (at least here in South Africa) - could somebody please
with the structure for update queries. I am trying to accumulate two
in a 3rd file from data out of two other files.

File 1: tblLoanTrans

LoanTranID (ID)
LoanAccountID (relates to tblLoanAccount.LoanAccountID)
TranTypeID (relates to tblLoanTranType.LoanTranTypeID)

File 2: tblLoanTranType

LoanTranTypeID (ID)
TranType ('Charges / Capital')

File 3: tblLoanAccount

tblLoanAccountID (ID)

From tblLoanTrans update TotalCharges and TotalCapital on tblLoanAccount.
I've tried this with a series of 3 queries but keep on getting "Operation
must use an updateable query".

Any help would greatly appreciated...

John Spencer

Sorry, I don't understand your response. A field cannot be bound or
unbound. A control on a form can be bound to a field.

So, have you solved your problem? IF not, can you be more specific on what
you are trying to do. Are you trying to get a value to show in a control on
a form or are you trying to get a value to show in a control on a report?

Normally, you don't store values that you can calculate, so normally you
wouldn't be using an update query to generate the sums. You would use a
SELECT query or the VBA DSUM function to generate (temporarily) the sums and
display these calculated amounts.

Manfred said:
Thanks John. The field is a text field, "unbound".

John Spencer said:
Access won't let you update a field to a value that is calculated using

You can do this using VBA functions DSum or you can populate (add records
to) an intermediate (temp) table with records that contain the data and
update your final table with the results.

tblLoanAccount.tblLoanAccountID is a text field (If it is a number field
then Change """ to " and drop & """"")

UPDATE tblLoanAccount
Set TotalCharges = DSUM("TranAmount","tblLoanTrans","TranType
AND LoanAccountID=""" & tblLoanAccountID & """")
, TotalCapital = DSUM("TranAmount","tblLoanTrans","TranType =""Capital""
AND LoanAccountID=""" & tblLoanAccountID & """")

To build the temp table, you just need to do an aggregate query and use
to populate the table

SELECT LoanAccountID, TranTypeID, Sum(TranAmount) as TotalAmount
FROM tblLoanTrans
GROUP BY LoanAccountID, TranTypeID

Once you have the values in the temp table, you would join that to
tblLoanAccount and populate the fields with two queries
UPDATE tblLoanAccount INNER JOIN tblTemp
On tblLoanAccount.tblLoanAccountId = [tblTemp].[LoanAccountID]
SET tblLoanAccount.TotalCharges = [tbltemp].[TotalAmount]
WHERE tblTemp.TranTypeID = "Charges"

Do a similar query for "Capital"

Manfred said:
Good evening (at least here in South Africa) - could somebody please
with the structure for update queries. I am trying to accumulate two
in a 3rd file from data out of two other files.

File 1: tblLoanTrans

LoanTranID (ID)
LoanAccountID (relates to tblLoanAccount.LoanAccountID)
TranTypeID (relates to tblLoanTranType.LoanTranTypeID)

File 2: tblLoanTranType

LoanTranTypeID (ID)
TranType ('Charges / Capital')

File 3: tblLoanAccount

tblLoanAccountID (ID)

From tblLoanTrans update TotalCharges and TotalCapital on
I've tried this with a series of 3 queries but keep on getting
must use an updateable query".

Any help would greatly appreciated...


Hi John

Slip of the tongue I guess - I meant an empty field. What I am trying to
achieve is either to store the total in an empty data field or make that
field a calculated one. The Dsum function I'm trying to get right looks like

DSum("TranAmount","tblLoanTrans","tblLoanTranType.TranType =""Charge"" AND
tblLoanTrans.LoanAccountID=" & tblLoanAccount.LoanAccountID)

At this stage I'm getting a "type conversion failure" message.

The data and criterea is derived from two seperate files, updating a third
file. The process looks like this (I've changed a field name in the interim):

File 1: tblLoanTrans

LoanTranID (ID)
LoanAccountID (relates to tblLoanAccount.LoanAccountID)
TranTypeID (relates to tblLoanTranType.LoanTranTypeID)

File 2: tblLoanTranType

LoanTranTypeID (ID)
TranType ('Charges / Capital')

File 3: tblLoanAccount

tblLoanAccountID (ID)

From tblLoanTrans use TranAmount (with tblLoanTranType.TranType = 'Charge')
to sum into TotalCharge on tblLoanAccount.

From tblLoanTrans use TranAmount (with tblLoanTranType.TranType = 'Capital')
to sum into TotalCapital on tblLoanAccount.

I'm short of pulling my hair out ...

John Spencer said:
Sorry, I don't understand your response. A field cannot be bound or
unbound. A control on a form can be bound to a field.

So, have you solved your problem? IF not, can you be more specific on what
you are trying to do. Are you trying to get a value to show in a control on
a form or are you trying to get a value to show in a control on a report?

Normally, you don't store values that you can calculate, so normally you
wouldn't be using an update query to generate the sums. You would use a
SELECT query or the VBA DSUM function to generate (temporarily) the sums and
display these calculated amounts.

Manfred said:
Thanks John. The field is a text field, "unbound".

John Spencer said:
Access won't let you update a field to a value that is calculated using

You can do this using VBA functions DSum or you can populate (add records
to) an intermediate (temp) table with records that contain the data and
update your final table with the results.

tblLoanAccount.tblLoanAccountID is a text field (If it is a number field
then Change """ to " and drop & """"")

UPDATE tblLoanAccount
Set TotalCharges = DSUM("TranAmount","tblLoanTrans","TranType
AND LoanAccountID=""" & tblLoanAccountID & """")
, TotalCapital = DSUM("TranAmount","tblLoanTrans","TranType =""Capital""
AND LoanAccountID=""" & tblLoanAccountID & """")

To build the temp table, you just need to do an aggregate query and use
to populate the table

SELECT LoanAccountID, TranTypeID, Sum(TranAmount) as TotalAmount
FROM tblLoanTrans
GROUP BY LoanAccountID, TranTypeID

Once you have the values in the temp table, you would join that to
tblLoanAccount and populate the fields with two queries
UPDATE tblLoanAccount INNER JOIN tblTemp
On tblLoanAccount.tblLoanAccountId = [tblTemp].[LoanAccountID]
SET tblLoanAccount.TotalCharges = [tbltemp].[TotalAmount]
WHERE tblTemp.TranTypeID = "Charges"

Do a similar query for "Capital"

Good evening (at least here in South Africa) - could somebody please
with the structure for update queries. I am trying to accumulate two
in a 3rd file from data out of two other files.

File 1: tblLoanTrans

LoanTranID (ID)
LoanAccountID (relates to tblLoanAccount.LoanAccountID)
TranTypeID (relates to tblLoanTranType.LoanTranTypeID)

File 2: tblLoanTranType

LoanTranTypeID (ID)
TranType ('Charges / Capital')

File 3: tblLoanAccount

tblLoanAccountID (ID)

From tblLoanTrans update TotalCharges and TotalCapital on
I've tried this with a series of 3 queries but keep on getting
must use an updateable query".

Any help would greatly appreciated...

John Spencer

When using DSUM the only fields that you can refer to must be in the domain
(the table or query that you refer to).

So, you can't refer to tblLoanTranType.TranType since that is not in
tblLoanTrans. For illustration purposes, I am going to assume that
TranTypeID in tblLoanTrans is a number where 1 = Charge and 2 = Capital.

So, with DSUM you should be able to do the following.

DSum("TranAmount","tblLoanTrans","TranTypeID = 1 AND LoanAccountID=" &

A query that might work for you follows (not updatable):

, SUM(IIF(T.TranType="Charges",L.TranAmount,Null)) as ChargeTotal
, SUM(IIF(T.TranType="Capital",L.TranAmount,Null)) as CapitalTotal
FROM tblLoanTrans as L INNER JOIN tblLoanTranType as T
on L.TranTypeID = T.LoanTranTypeID

Manfred said:
Hi John

Slip of the tongue I guess - I meant an empty field. What I am trying to
achieve is either to store the total in an empty data field or make that
field a calculated one. The Dsum function I'm trying to get right looks

DSum("TranAmount","tblLoanTrans","tblLoanTranType.TranType =""Charge"" AND
tblLoanTrans.LoanAccountID=" & tblLoanAccount.LoanAccountID)

At this stage I'm getting a "type conversion failure" message.

The data and criterea is derived from two seperate files, updating a third
file. The process looks like this (I've changed a field name in the

File 1: tblLoanTrans

LoanTranID (ID)
LoanAccountID (relates to tblLoanAccount.LoanAccountID)
TranTypeID (relates to tblLoanTranType.LoanTranTypeID)

File 2: tblLoanTranType

LoanTranTypeID (ID)
TranType ('Charges / Capital')

File 3: tblLoanAccount

tblLoanAccountID (ID)

From tblLoanTrans use TranAmount (with tblLoanTranType.TranType =
to sum into TotalCharge on tblLoanAccount.

From tblLoanTrans use TranAmount (with tblLoanTranType.TranType =
to sum into TotalCapital on tblLoanAccount.

I'm short of pulling my hair out ...

John Spencer said:
Sorry, I don't understand your response. A field cannot be bound or
unbound. A control on a form can be bound to a field.

So, have you solved your problem? IF not, can you be more specific on
you are trying to do. Are you trying to get a value to show in a control
a form or are you trying to get a value to show in a control on a report?

Normally, you don't store values that you can calculate, so normally you
wouldn't be using an update query to generate the sums. You would use a
SELECT query or the VBA DSUM function to generate (temporarily) the sums
display these calculated amounts.

Manfred said:
Thanks John. The field is a text field, "unbound".


Access won't let you update a field to a value that is calculated

You can do this using VBA functions DSum or you can populate (add
to) an intermediate (temp) table with records that contain the data
update your final table with the results.

tblLoanAccount.tblLoanAccountID is a text field (If it is a number
then Change """ to " and drop & """"")

UPDATE tblLoanAccount
Set TotalCharges = DSUM("TranAmount","tblLoanTrans","TranType
AND LoanAccountID=""" & tblLoanAccountID & """")
, TotalCapital = DSUM("TranAmount","tblLoanTrans","TranType
AND LoanAccountID=""" & tblLoanAccountID & """")

To build the temp table, you just need to do an aggregate query and
to populate the table

SELECT LoanAccountID, TranTypeID, Sum(TranAmount) as TotalAmount
FROM tblLoanTrans
GROUP BY LoanAccountID, TranTypeID

Once you have the values in the temp table, you would join that to
tblLoanAccount and populate the fields with two queries
UPDATE tblLoanAccount INNER JOIN tblTemp
On tblLoanAccount.tblLoanAccountId = [tblTemp].[LoanAccountID]
SET tblLoanAccount.TotalCharges = [tbltemp].[TotalAmount]
WHERE tblTemp.TranTypeID = "Charges"

Do a similar query for "Capital"

Good evening (at least here in South Africa) - could somebody please
with the structure for update queries. I am trying to accumulate two
in a 3rd file from data out of two other files.

File 1: tblLoanTrans

LoanTranID (ID)
LoanAccountID (relates to tblLoanAccount.LoanAccountID)
TranTypeID (relates to tblLoanTranType.LoanTranTypeID)

File 2: tblLoanTranType

LoanTranTypeID (ID)
TranType ('Charges / Capital')

File 3: tblLoanAccount

tblLoanAccountID (ID)

From tblLoanTrans update TotalCharges and TotalCapital on
I've tried this with a series of 3 queries but keep on getting
must use an updateable query".

Any help would greatly appreciated...


Thanks John - would be a good idea to enhance ACCESS / SQL to be able to do
that. I come from a PICK / D3 environment where we would call these
references "correlatives". But thanks anyway.

John Spencer said:
When using DSUM the only fields that you can refer to must be in the domain
(the table or query that you refer to).

So, you can't refer to tblLoanTranType.TranType since that is not in
tblLoanTrans. For illustration purposes, I am going to assume that
TranTypeID in tblLoanTrans is a number where 1 = Charge and 2 = Capital.

So, with DSUM you should be able to do the following.

DSum("TranAmount","tblLoanTrans","TranTypeID = 1 AND LoanAccountID=" &

A query that might work for you follows (not updatable):

, SUM(IIF(T.TranType="Charges",L.TranAmount,Null)) as ChargeTotal
, SUM(IIF(T.TranType="Capital",L.TranAmount,Null)) as CapitalTotal
FROM tblLoanTrans as L INNER JOIN tblLoanTranType as T
on L.TranTypeID = T.LoanTranTypeID

Manfred said:
Hi John

Slip of the tongue I guess - I meant an empty field. What I am trying to
achieve is either to store the total in an empty data field or make that
field a calculated one. The Dsum function I'm trying to get right looks

DSum("TranAmount","tblLoanTrans","tblLoanTranType.TranType =""Charge"" AND
tblLoanTrans.LoanAccountID=" & tblLoanAccount.LoanAccountID)

At this stage I'm getting a "type conversion failure" message.

The data and criterea is derived from two seperate files, updating a third
file. The process looks like this (I've changed a field name in the

File 1: tblLoanTrans

LoanTranID (ID)
LoanAccountID (relates to tblLoanAccount.LoanAccountID)
TranTypeID (relates to tblLoanTranType.LoanTranTypeID)

File 2: tblLoanTranType

LoanTranTypeID (ID)
TranType ('Charges / Capital')

File 3: tblLoanAccount

tblLoanAccountID (ID)

From tblLoanTrans use TranAmount (with tblLoanTranType.TranType =
to sum into TotalCharge on tblLoanAccount.

From tblLoanTrans use TranAmount (with tblLoanTranType.TranType =
to sum into TotalCapital on tblLoanAccount.

I'm short of pulling my hair out ...

John Spencer said:
Sorry, I don't understand your response. A field cannot be bound or
unbound. A control on a form can be bound to a field.

So, have you solved your problem? IF not, can you be more specific on
you are trying to do. Are you trying to get a value to show in a control
a form or are you trying to get a value to show in a control on a report?

Normally, you don't store values that you can calculate, so normally you
wouldn't be using an update query to generate the sums. You would use a
SELECT query or the VBA DSUM function to generate (temporarily) the sums
display these calculated amounts.

Thanks John. The field is a text field, "unbound".


Access won't let you update a field to a value that is calculated

You can do this using VBA functions DSum or you can populate (add
to) an intermediate (temp) table with records that contain the data
update your final table with the results.

tblLoanAccount.tblLoanAccountID is a text field (If it is a number
then Change """ to " and drop & """"")

UPDATE tblLoanAccount
Set TotalCharges = DSUM("TranAmount","tblLoanTrans","TranType
AND LoanAccountID=""" & tblLoanAccountID & """")
, TotalCapital = DSUM("TranAmount","tblLoanTrans","TranType
AND LoanAccountID=""" & tblLoanAccountID & """")

To build the temp table, you just need to do an aggregate query and
to populate the table

SELECT LoanAccountID, TranTypeID, Sum(TranAmount) as TotalAmount
FROM tblLoanTrans
GROUP BY LoanAccountID, TranTypeID

Once you have the values in the temp table, you would join that to
tblLoanAccount and populate the fields with two queries
UPDATE tblLoanAccount INNER JOIN tblTemp
On tblLoanAccount.tblLoanAccountId = [tblTemp].[LoanAccountID]
SET tblLoanAccount.TotalCharges = [tbltemp].[TotalAmount]
WHERE tblTemp.TranTypeID = "Charges"

Do a similar query for "Capital"

Good evening (at least here in South Africa) - could somebody please
with the structure for update queries. I am trying to accumulate two
in a 3rd file from data out of two other files.

File 1: tblLoanTrans

LoanTranID (ID)
LoanAccountID (relates to tblLoanAccount.LoanAccountID)
TranTypeID (relates to tblLoanTranType.LoanTranTypeID)

File 2: tblLoanTranType

LoanTranTypeID (ID)
TranType ('Charges / Capital')

File 3: tblLoanAccount

tblLoanAccountID (ID)

From tblLoanTrans update TotalCharges and TotalCapital on
I've tried this with a series of 3 queries but keep on getting
must use an updateable query".

Any help would greatly appreciated...

John Spencer

There is nothing stopping you from creating and savng query containing
tblLoanTrans and tblLoanTranType and then using that as the domain for the

Manfred said:
Thanks John - would be a good idea to enhance ACCESS / SQL to be able to
that. I come from a PICK / D3 environment where we would call these
references "correlatives". But thanks anyway.

John Spencer said:
When using DSUM the only fields that you can refer to must be in the
(the table or query that you refer to).

So, you can't refer to tblLoanTranType.TranType since that is not in
tblLoanTrans. For illustration purposes, I am going to assume that
TranTypeID in tblLoanTrans is a number where 1 = Charge and 2 = Capital.

So, with DSUM you should be able to do the following.

DSum("TranAmount","tblLoanTrans","TranTypeID = 1 AND LoanAccountID=" &

A query that might work for you follows (not updatable):

, SUM(IIF(T.TranType="Charges",L.TranAmount,Null)) as ChargeTotal
, SUM(IIF(T.TranType="Capital",L.TranAmount,Null)) as CapitalTotal
FROM tblLoanTrans as L INNER JOIN tblLoanTranType as T
on L.TranTypeID = T.LoanTranTypeID

Manfred said:
Hi John

Slip of the tongue I guess - I meant an empty field. What I am trying
achieve is either to store the total in an empty data field or make
field a calculated one. The Dsum function I'm trying to get right looks

DSum("TranAmount","tblLoanTrans","tblLoanTranType.TranType =""Charge""
tblLoanTrans.LoanAccountID=" & tblLoanAccount.LoanAccountID)

At this stage I'm getting a "type conversion failure" message.

The data and criterea is derived from two seperate files, updating a
file. The process looks like this (I've changed a field name in the

File 1: tblLoanTrans

LoanTranID (ID)
LoanAccountID (relates to tblLoanAccount.LoanAccountID)
TranTypeID (relates to tblLoanTranType.LoanTranTypeID)

File 2: tblLoanTranType

LoanTranTypeID (ID)
TranType ('Charges / Capital')

File 3: tblLoanAccount

tblLoanAccountID (ID)

From tblLoanTrans use TranAmount (with tblLoanTranType.TranType =
to sum into TotalCharge on tblLoanAccount.

From tblLoanTrans use TranAmount (with tblLoanTranType.TranType =
to sum into TotalCapital on tblLoanAccount.

I'm short of pulling my hair out ...


Sorry, I don't understand your response. A field cannot be bound or
unbound. A control on a form can be bound to a field.

So, have you solved your problem? IF not, can you be more specific on
you are trying to do. Are you trying to get a value to show in a
a form or are you trying to get a value to show in a control on a

Normally, you don't store values that you can calculate, so normally
wouldn't be using an update query to generate the sums. You would use
SELECT query or the VBA DSUM function to generate (temporarily) the
display these calculated amounts.

Thanks John. The field is a text field, "unbound".


Access won't let you update a field to a value that is calculated

You can do this using VBA functions DSum or you can populate (add
to) an intermediate (temp) table with records that contain the data
update your final table with the results.

tblLoanAccount.tblLoanAccountID is a text field (If it is a number
then Change """ to " and drop & """"")

UPDATE tblLoanAccount
Set TotalCharges = DSUM("TranAmount","tblLoanTrans","TranType
AND LoanAccountID=""" & tblLoanAccountID & """")
, TotalCapital = DSUM("TranAmount","tblLoanTrans","TranType
AND LoanAccountID=""" & tblLoanAccountID & """")

To build the temp table, you just need to do an aggregate query and
to populate the table

SELECT LoanAccountID, TranTypeID, Sum(TranAmount) as TotalAmount
FROM tblLoanTrans
GROUP BY LoanAccountID, TranTypeID

Once you have the values in the temp table, you would join that to
tblLoanAccount and populate the fields with two queries
UPDATE tblLoanAccount INNER JOIN tblTemp
On tblLoanAccount.tblLoanAccountId = [tblTemp].[LoanAccountID]
SET tblLoanAccount.TotalCharges = [tbltemp].[TotalAmount]
WHERE tblTemp.TranTypeID = "Charges"

Do a similar query for "Capital"

Good evening (at least here in South Africa) - could somebody
with the structure for update queries. I am trying to accumulate
in a 3rd file from data out of two other files.

File 1: tblLoanTrans

LoanTranID (ID)
LoanAccountID (relates to tblLoanAccount.LoanAccountID)
TranTypeID (relates to tblLoanTranType.LoanTranTypeID)

File 2: tblLoanTranType

LoanTranTypeID (ID)
TranType ('Charges / Capital')

File 3: tblLoanAccount

tblLoanAccountID (ID)

From tblLoanTrans update TotalCharges and TotalCapital on
I've tried this with a series of 3 queries but keep on getting
must use an updateable query".

Any help would greatly appreciated...

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