Access VB Run time error '2136500594 (800f00e)




In Access2007 this code sometimes run, sometimes do not run.

Error code:Run time error '2136500594 (800f00e)

It runs unde XP or Vista, but do not run under Win2003 server

Have you ever seen this:

Public Sub Q_Ini()
Dim x As Variant
Dim P As String
Dim Form As String
Dim FormVisible As Boolean
Dim IniHiba as Boolean

IniHiba = False

If Q_SV("IniProcessVisible") = "True" Then
FormVisible = True
FormVisible = False
End If

Form = "F_Q_SysIni"
DoCmd.OpenForm Form, acNormal, , , , acHidden

'Error in the next line.-------------------------------------------

Forms("F_Q_SysIni").Visible = FormVisible

AccessVandal via

Form is a reserved name in Access, rename it to something else. And that
might be the problem you're having.


Thanks, for your answer.

I modified the codse as below, but it is not work either.

I have got this error message only on Win20003 server.
On XP or Vista machine it is working.

The modified code:

Public Sub Q_Ini()
Dim x As Variant
Dim P As String
Dim Frm As String
Dim FormVisible As Boolean
Dim IniHiba as Boolean

IniHiba = False

If Q_SV("IniProcessVisible") = "True" Then
FormVisible = True
FormVisible = False
End If

Frm = "F_Q_SysIni"
DoCmd.OpenForm Frm, acNormal, , , , acHidden

'Error in the next line.-------------------------------------------

Forms("F_Q_SysIni").Visible = FormVisible

AccessVandal via

Although you have resolved the reserved names, the problem may be due to
Win2003 server with Access 2007.

Can I believe you put the DB in trusted location? Seems to be, this may also
be Win2003 server security issue. Make users have read, write , delete, etc
(full permissions) where you put this DB in the folder.

I did a google, but things were pretty dry. There are indeed some problems
but no solutions. You might want to google it and with any luck get an answer
that might be related to your problem.

PS. You might want to enable all macros for a try out.


Than so lot for your help!

Every access rigts are ok on the server. I am the Administrator.

These program lines are so simple. I can not understand, why is not work.
The command opens a form only, in it's siple way.

The program is good, because on other machines it is working.
I tried to make a .ACCDE file but the error is the same.

I choose the access for the simplicity of work. The environment always the
same, I thougtht it will always works if Office works. But not.

I do not know what can I do, really.

AccessVandal via

What was the error number and description? Can you post it here?

What about changing from this

Forms("F_Q_SysIni").Visible = FormVisible

to this

Forms(Frm).Visible = FormVisible
Forms!F_Q_Syslni.Form.Visible = FormVisible

The second problem I can think of is the timing issue when the form is
opening, as Access 2007 is slow in opening the form and as it is loading, the
last line in your code is executed but it was unable to locate the properties
of the form.

Another way to check this is to use Timer event or a message box to delay the
the last code execution. Try this with a message box.

Frm = "F_Q_SysIni"
DoCmd.OpenForm Frm, acNormal, , , , acHidden

MsgBox "Test delay before executing Visible" 'wait awhile before clicking Ok

'Error in the next line.-------------------------------------------

Forms("F_Q_SysIni").Visible = FormVisible


Thank you for your help.

error number is: -2146500594 (not like in the topic subject)
error description is: Automation error

I made a new Win2003 server machine and the code is working on it, but an
another XP machine it is not work.
I can not understand it.

I have tried your idea to delay the open of the form, but it was not


AccessVandal via

This could be the MDAC 2.8 issue on the XP and Win2003 server. Have you
update XP to SP3 and Win2003 server to SP2? You may need the new MDAC from MS
download. Sometimes the OS may not detect the MDAC even it's a new SP.

Have you done a code compile and do a compact and repair on the machine where
the problem lies?

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