Access/VB6 problem Help needed



Hi Everybody

Can anyone help with this mindbender

We are writing an application that uses a VB built DLL to send emails
using CDO 1.21.

Whether we use the VB DLL or code the CDO stuff direct into Access
makes no difference.

The problem is that when an email has been sent, the next JUMP (End of
function/return/New Routine/Error Handler) causes a crash.

The Code:

Private Function SendAnEmail(addr As String, subj As String, body As
String)As Boolean
Dim cdosession As MAPI.Session
Dim cdofolder As MAPI.Folder

Dim cdomessages As MAPI.Messages
Dim cdomessage As MAPI.Message
Dim cdorecipient As MAPI.Recipient

Set cdosession = New MAPI.Session

SendAnEmail = False
MsgBox cdosession.Version

Set cdomessage = cdosession.Outbox.Messages.Add

cdomessage.Subject = subj
cdomessage.Text = body
cdomessage.Importance = CdoHigh
Set cdorecipient = cdomessage.Recipients.Add
cdorecipient.Name = addr
cdorecipient.Type = CdoTo
cdomessage.Send showdialog:=False

SendAnEmail = True

Set cdorecipient = Nothing
Set cdomessage = Nothing
Set cdosession = Nothing

End Function

I am working on Windows 2000, Windows XP, VB6, Outlook 2000, and Access

This function needs to be distributed to the world to work on any
machine and operating system (All Windows versions) and any MAPI
compliant email client.

Can anyone Help?


Bob Dydd

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