Access Version Conflicts



I am using ADE to create a package for an Access 2003 MDE file. I include
the runtime in my package since the computers I need to install it on may or
may not have Access 2003 on them. I cannot personally go to each computer.


I have installed the package on a computer that has Access 2000 installed
(Windows XP). The install computer contains Access 2000 files. My database
installs and runs with no errors on the install computer. When I try to open
an Access 2000 file (after I have run my Access 2003 application) it tries to
open it with the Access 2003 Runtime.

My program is opened with a batch file:
cd Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11
MSACCESS.EXE "C:\Program Files\CTSDemoVersion1.0\Demoversiion2MDEDEc12.mde"
/excl /runtimeâ€


Is there some way to ask the computer which version of Access is currently
the default for opening an MS Access files? I hope to use a script that
determines the current “Open With†version of Access, then opens my
application, and then resets the “Open With†version of Access. When I say
“Open With†version of Access I mean the version that the computer will use
when an MDE or MDB file is opened



We have what I think is a similar problem. We have an Access 2003 runtime
application going out to a large number of clients with different
configurations (Office/Windows/you-name-it). One client is having a
particularly hard time.

Here it is:

Her current computer has Access 2000. When she runs the installation, it
runs fine but when she tries to open the application, she gets a message that
the folder C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office11\ has been moved or
renamed. When she checks her Program Files directory, the correct directory
is there, along with a copy of MSAccess.ext.

At one point, she said that the shortcut said only C:\Program
Files\Microsoft Office\Office\ insteadl of C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Office\Office11 (i.e., no "11"), but she was unable to change the shortcut.

Any thoughts? We've had a couple of clients who were able to redirect Access
to the correct run-time version, but is there any way to deliberately

Thanks very much.
Robin Wolfson
DataStep Development

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