Access Vertical Reports


Edwin Sanchez

i want an access report that will display the field names (description) in
the first column, the first record in the 2nd column, the 2nd record in the
3rd column...the 10th record in the 11th column and the next page will have
the field name (description) in the 1st column, 11th record in the 2nd
column, 12th record in the 3rd column...20th record in the 11th column.

can i do this using access? please see report sample below.


page 1

field 1 description..........record1.....record2.....record3.....record10
field 2 description..........record1.....record2.....record3.....record10
field 3 description..........record1.....record2.....report3.....record10

page 2
field 1 description..........record11....record12....record13.....record20
field 2 description..........record11....record12....record13.....record20
field 3 description..........record11....record12....record13.....record20

Edwin Sanchez

i want the column 1 to appear only once. if i do multiple columns the
description (1st column) will also repeat everytime i have a new record.

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