In said:
I posted in the MS Office newsgroup because I was under the impression
that Access was one of the programs in said product.
A very wise decision but an uncommon one. That's why I made my remark. Most
people focus on what they *have* not what they *need* because when it comes
to computers, people often don't know what it is they need.
I'm just tired of patching, fixing what the patches just broke, patching
the fixes for the patches, etc. I've had enough. I'm on Ubuntu Linux
and use OpenOffice. Posting in here with Thunderbird. Total cost?
Zero. No viruses, no exploit-of-the-week, etc. Windows XP and Office XP
with Access Cost? Waaayyy too much. Doesn't make sense anymore.
I hear what you're saying. I spent most of my career on IBM and Unix
mainframes and we never had the problems, although we had the high costs.
But most people buy PCs with Windows pre-installed, and Microsoft Office is
sometimes pre-installed too. Even if it isn't many people will buy and
install it so that they can read files from work or files passed to them from
Most people are familiar with Windows because it's what they use at work.
They're uncomfortable with switching to a new operating system like Linux.
Good for you for being brave enough to take the plunge and do it successfully
and satisfactorily. You've left a lot of the nuisances behind, but as time
passes more people will follow in your footsteps and the virus writing fiends
will focus on Linux in higher numbers because there will eventually be an
audience big enough to make it worth their while.
Yeah, the alias used isn't of course, my real name, inasmuch as "Granny"
is yours, I suppose.
Oh that. Most people who answer questions use their real names or their
first name and last initial so they'll be taken seriously. My first name is
spelled similarly to a man's name and people often assume I'm a man from my
name on my written correspondence. They're surprised when they find out I'm
a woman. I've had friends recommend I join in on discussions in the
newsgroups to help others and improve my skills but I didn't want to get
involved in the childish insults and one-upsmanship of the young punks who
visit the newsgroups. They'll probably think I'm a man and be nasty to me
too. I talked to my husband about my misgivings on using my full name. I
wanted people to know they were dealing with a mature woman and not to expect
me to give insults or try to compete in their *my cpu is faster than your
cpu* contests. My husband said "Just use 'Granny Spitz' and they'll know.
Better yet, use 'Granny Spitz tobaccy juice pretty far' and they'll know to
keep their distance." said:
Thanks again for your help. I really do appreciate it.
You're welcome, hon. Good luck to you and may the virus writing fiends never
touch Ubuntu.