Access Viewer


In Disguise

I have been given an MS Access file (no idea which version), but I don't
have MS Access.

Is there a viewer or another program I can use to open it?


Albert D. Kallal

If you talking about an actual appcation developed with ms-access, then
there is not a view.

For data, you can import it into word, excel....

Every single copy of windows ships with a copy of the SAME database engine
that ms-access uses....
So, if you wish, you can write a windows batch file (script) to read the
data. (but, that assumes you know how to write windows scripts).

So, you don't need ms-access to pull out data. However, if that data is
highly related, and multiple tables are involved, the your problem is not
reading the data, but reading the data in a USEFUL format.

Try importing the data into excel, or ask the person to export the data as a
excel sheet, or even as html if you need be...

In Disguise


Thanks for the tips.

"Try importing the data into excel, or ask the person to export the data
as a excel sheet, or even as html if you need be..."

If they could do that, then I wouldn't have had to post here to begin with.


Albert D. Kallal

"Try importing the data into excel, or ask the person to export the data
as a excel sheet, or even as html if you need be..."

If they could do that, then I wouldn't have had to post here to begin


Well, they should be able to do that (I not sure why they can't...perhaps
they don't have excel???).

It is possible that the mdb file format is wrong. Note that a2000, 2002, and
a2003 all default to a2000 format. So, the last 3 versions of office should
import that file. (on the other hand, the person sending the file has to
take some responsibility here also).

In Disguise


I'm not asking about personal responsibility here - only technical

But, to keep you from continuing to go down that road, I'll explain,
even though I shouldn't have to.

The person who originally created the database has died and their
computer (and house) was consumed in the fire. We found out that a few
months ago that they uploaded their database to their ftp site for
save-keeping. We have the database, but not Access. Since Access is
rather expensive, we're looking at alternative methods of accessing the

Does that satisfy your "personal responsibility" curiosity?

Geez! All I want to know is how to get to an Access database when we
don't know the version of Access with which it was created. It's a
purely technical question - why drag personal into it?

Douglas J. Steele

As Albert implied, there's no way to get at the Access "application" unless
you have Access installed.

There is a run-time version of Access that lets you run Access applications
without having actually having to buy Acesss. While it's a free
distribuable, you must purchase the appropriate edition first.

If all you care about is the data in the database, though, you can certainly
get at the data without having to purchase Access.

Granny Spitz via

In said:
Geez! All I want to know is how to get to an Access database when we
don't know the version of Access with which it was created.

Unfortunately you need Access in order to find out which version of Access
was used to create the file. But since you only need the data, not the
objects, you can connect to it using ODBC if you have a Windows computer.
You can extract the data with any ODBC-compliant application. Do you have
any of the common Microsoft Office applications, like Excel or Word? If you
don't, you could download free open source software like OpenOffice to view
and extract the data in the MDB file. The last alternative is to write a
program yourself that can extract the data.
It's a
purely technical question - why drag personal into it?

It's rare for someone to have an Access database file without having Access
installed on a computer. It means they didn't build it themselves, which
means it originally belonged to someone else. When that someone else *can't*
convert the data to a text file people wonder "Did they come about it by
unscrupulous means?" We don't know, but it makes people pretty suspicious.

In Disguise


I was able to find a newer version of "MDB Viewer" which allowed me to
export the various tables to .csv format.

I don't normally use Microsoft products (for obvious reasons), so I was
able to open the .csv files in OpenOffice.

It's too bad that I can't just right-click on the file and check it's
properties in order to find out the version of Access it is. Surely
there are some built-in attributes to all MS-Office files that can allow
for this information to be read.

I do appreciate your help.

I was unaware of the runtime version of Access. I had hoped there was
something like that, as there are free viewers for the other products in

Thanks again.

In Disguise


As posted to someone else, I was able to get it exported to a .csv file
and open it with OpenOffice. I don't use MS-Office at all. Too
expensive, for one reason.

I understand about the "suspicions", but if one is too suspicious of
others to help, then just say you can't help instead of giving the
third-degree. It's not like I'm asking how to break passwords on
documents (although I do have programs that will).

I guess since I wasn't doing anything unethical or illegal, I didn't see
the concern, thus my frustration.

Albert D. Kallal

Geez! All I want to know is how to get to an Access database when we
don't know the version of Access with which it was created. It's a purely
technical question - why drag personal into it?

I did not make it personal. I simply stated that EVERY copy of windows ships
with the JET database engine.

I also stated that you do NOT need ms-access on that computer to read data
out of the computer. However, OFTEN having the data without the appcation to
make sense of the data is NOT much use.

I repeat, I mentioned that you DO NOT need ms-access installed on your
computer. father, you gave no reasons as to why the excel import did not
work, or if you even tried it? You came back and said "they"...and I was
referring to "you". So, I was simply asking why the Excel import did not
work (and, a simple answer on your part could have been that you don't have
excel...ok..fine). The problem here is that YOU did not make it clear about
why Excel did not work.


However, failing the excel import, I did mention that a windows batch file
(script) can open and read the file, and you don't need excel, or
ms-access). I repeat :

* every copy of windows ships with the same JET engine that
ms-access users
* You do not need ms-access to pull out the data.
* every copy of windows shipped can read the access file

What exactly in the above was I not clear about? I simply asked for more
clarity about why excel did not work (or, if in fact it was tired). Don't
tell me "they"....tell me "you". Now you come back with a life long
story....give me a break....

Granny Spitz via

In said:
As posted to someone else, I was able to get it exported to a .csv file
and open it with OpenOffice.

Glad to hear you've got a solution.
I don't use MS-Office at all.

That's very unusual for someone posting in a Microsoft Office application
I guess since I wasn't doing anything unethical or illegal, I didn't see
the concern, thus my frustration.

It's very common for people to request help in the newsgroups to break into
Access databases they didn't build. And your name *In Disguise* didn't help
eliminate people's suspicions.

Good luck with your data.

In Disguise


I posted in the MS Office newsgroup because I was under the impression
that Access was one of the programs in said product.

I'm just tired of patching, fixing what the patches just broke, patching
the fixes for the patches, etc. I've had enough. I'm on Ubuntu Linux
and use OpenOffice. Posting in here with Thunderbird. Total cost?
Zero. No viruses, no exploit-of-the-week, etc. Windows XP and Office XP
with Access Cost? Waaayyy too much. Doesn't make sense anymore.

I have a spare PC that runs Windows, but only for occasions such as
this, when I need it because someone else has something MS-specific.

Yeah, the alias used isn't of course, my real name, inasmuch as "Granny"
is yours, I suppose. ;)

Thanks again for your help. I really do appreciate it.

In Disguise


And you made assumptions that weren't true. You may have thought you
came across a particular way, but you did not.

No, you didn't post to me the things you are now posting here, so knock
it off.

I do appreciate what you have posted now as far as technical help goes,
albeit too late. It was what I was asking in the first place. You did
ask why Excel didn't work and I responded that had it worked, I wouldn't
be here.

You kept bringing up the "other person" to do it and I explained they
couldn't, but you wouldn't let it go, thus the posting of why - which
had nothing to do with the problem at hand. It angered me considerably
as I considered it personal, not technical information that was quite
frankly, nobody's business.

You posted: "Well, they should be able to do that (I not sure why they
can't...perhaps they don't have excel???)." Which to me, had nothing to
do with it, as I fully understood that "they" were never going to be
able to do anything again, much less go back and change it into Excel.
I realize that you didn't. To me, it didn't matter. I had a database
to convert. Nothing else. Thus my frustration.

I admit to being a bit peeved at this point and posted rather rudely.
For that I apologize.

As I posted to "Granny", since I wasn't doing anything unethical,
immoral, or illegal, it didn't dawn on me that anyone would have thought
I was and become suspicious. By nature, I'm a trusting person until
that person gives me reason to stop, so it never crossed my mind.

Again, I apologize for being rude.

Albert D. Kallal

Again, I apologize for being rude.

Thanks...I did not think your were rude anyway (at least by my will actually quite nice and just came here for help).

I think perhaps we both had a bit of frustrations. Really, no hard feelings
and I appreciate your coming back to keeps things on a gentleman's levels,
that speaks volumes about you, and your approach here. (it is all good on
this end!!).

And, if I came across a bit snappy, then please accept my warm regards, and
I am sorry too...

We all trying to help, and the fact that I am trying to help is NO excuse
for me not being 100% gentleman.

In Disguise


Thanks. I appreciate that.

BTW, you *do* realize that Canada isn't a real country, don't you? ;)

Granny Spitz via

In said:
I posted in the MS Office newsgroup because I was under the impression
that Access was one of the programs in said product.

A very wise decision but an uncommon one. That's why I made my remark. Most
people focus on what they *have* not what they *need* because when it comes
to computers, people often don't know what it is they need.
I'm just tired of patching, fixing what the patches just broke, patching
the fixes for the patches, etc. I've had enough. I'm on Ubuntu Linux
and use OpenOffice. Posting in here with Thunderbird. Total cost?
Zero. No viruses, no exploit-of-the-week, etc. Windows XP and Office XP
with Access Cost? Waaayyy too much. Doesn't make sense anymore.

I hear what you're saying. I spent most of my career on IBM and Unix
mainframes and we never had the problems, although we had the high costs.
But most people buy PCs with Windows pre-installed, and Microsoft Office is
sometimes pre-installed too. Even if it isn't many people will buy and
install it so that they can read files from work or files passed to them from

Most people are familiar with Windows because it's what they use at work.
They're uncomfortable with switching to a new operating system like Linux.
Good for you for being brave enough to take the plunge and do it successfully
and satisfactorily. You've left a lot of the nuisances behind, but as time
passes more people will follow in your footsteps and the virus writing fiends
will focus on Linux in higher numbers because there will eventually be an
audience big enough to make it worth their while.
Yeah, the alias used isn't of course, my real name, inasmuch as "Granny"
is yours, I suppose. ;)

Oh that. Most people who answer questions use their real names or their
first name and last initial so they'll be taken seriously. My first name is
spelled similarly to a man's name and people often assume I'm a man from my
name on my written correspondence. They're surprised when they find out I'm
a woman. I've had friends recommend I join in on discussions in the
newsgroups to help others and improve my skills but I didn't want to get
involved in the childish insults and one-upsmanship of the young punks who
visit the newsgroups. They'll probably think I'm a man and be nasty to me
too. I talked to my husband about my misgivings on using my full name. I
wanted people to know they were dealing with a mature woman and not to expect
me to give insults or try to compete in their *my cpu is faster than your
cpu* contests. My husband said "Just use 'Granny Spitz' and they'll know.
Better yet, use 'Granny Spitz tobaccy juice pretty far' and they'll know to
keep their distance." said:
Thanks again for your help. I really do appreciate it.

You're welcome, hon. Good luck to you and may the virus writing fiends never
touch Ubuntu.

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