I have a .vsd file which i need to parse and get all shapes in it. I tried
doing this in the following different ways :
1.Use the Drawing control but my problem is mine is a web application ,since
i just want to use it to parse my visio diagram i dont want to create a
control on the web page so in the codebehind i tried creating a object of
type just to use it to get hold of the object model.
drawingControl=new DrawingControlClass();
but this throws exception saying "classid is not registered" so couldn't
proceed with this approach.Can anyone throw some insight on this error.
2. Use the object in the Visio object model like Application,document, to
get hold of the document object to parse for all the shapes but here when i
try to
appClass=new ApplicationClass();
this opens up the Visio application otherwise i am able to use this approach
with no problem how do i suppress the visio application from being visible??
Any help is highly appreciated.
I have a .vsd file which i need to parse and get all shapes in it. I tried
doing this in the following different ways :
1.Use the Drawing control but my problem is mine is a web application ,since
i just want to use it to parse my visio diagram i dont want to create a
control on the web page so in the codebehind i tried creating a object of
type just to use it to get hold of the object model.
drawingControl=new DrawingControlClass();
but this throws exception saying "classid is not registered" so couldn't
proceed with this approach.Can anyone throw some insight on this error.
2. Use the object in the Visio object model like Application,document, to
get hold of the document object to parse for all the shapes but here when i
try to
appClass=new ApplicationClass();
this opens up the Visio application otherwise i am able to use this approach
with no problem how do i suppress the visio application from being visible??
Any help is highly appreciated.