I have database in access and made some interface for populating database, cause we needed something fast to do it and had no time
to make it in vb.
And I had Serbian (Latin) characters entered into this dabase and showing in Access forms well.
But now when I need to make program in VB, ADO fields does not return me Serbian (Latin) specific characters it returns me English
(US) replacements.
I do have installed Serbian (Latin) on system but Default language is English (US). (and I must not switch default language to
Serbian (Latin))
hopeless for now I am sure that something in ado is done wrong, but still I can find out what, characters entered directly in vb are
displaying Serbian (Latin)!
for example:
text1.text = "sdcczSDCCZ" ' works
but this doesn't work
text1.text = rs!Title ' it returns me sdcczSDCCZ in rs!Title
to make it in vb.
And I had Serbian (Latin) characters entered into this dabase and showing in Access forms well.
But now when I need to make program in VB, ADO fields does not return me Serbian (Latin) specific characters it returns me English
(US) replacements.
I do have installed Serbian (Latin) on system but Default language is English (US). (and I must not switch default language to
Serbian (Latin))
hopeless for now I am sure that something in ado is done wrong, but still I can find out what, characters entered directly in vb are
displaying Serbian (Latin)!
for example:
text1.text = "sdcczSDCCZ" ' works
but this doesn't work
text1.text = rs!Title ' it returns me sdcczSDCCZ in rs!Title