Access XP simple query wizard error


Bob Kang

I have what appears to be a bug in Access XP. Has anyone else seen this
and/or found

a fix?

Windows 2000 Pro SP2
Windows 2000 Pro SP3
Windows XP Pro SP1
Office XP(2002) SP3 (Clean install)

Steps to recreate:
1. Create a new database
2. Create/import any table
3. Create a new *update* query in design view to update the table in step
4. Now create a new query with the simple query wizard
5. In the simple query wizard dialogue, select a table or query from the
drop down

list of database objects

When we do this, we get an error--
"The expression On Got Focus you entered as the event property setting
produced the

following error: The text you entered isn't an item in the list. *The
expression may

not result in the name of a macro, the name of a user-defined function,
or [Event

Procedure] *There may have been an error evaluating the function, event,
or macro."

Also, the cursor turns to an hourglass, and will not return to the normal

cursor unless you close the database and reopen it.

This seems to be specific to the case where the cursor happens to be on
an *update*

query when you start the simple query wizard. It does not seem to happen
if the

cursor is on a Select, Crosstab, or Delete query when starting the
simple query


I searched the knowledge base and did not find any references to this



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