Access XP Upgrade


David Pautsch

This has probably been asked before, but anyway...

I currently have the students edition of office XP. And
am looking to upgrade it so it can have access. I went in
to buy Access XP today to be told that it would not work
without a copy of access. I was also told thatif I
upgraded to Access 2003 it would work. Is this right??
Do I need a prior installation of Access to upgrade or is
a version of office sufficient???



Beth Melton

Hi David,

If you do not have a product that qualifies as an upgrade for Access
2002 then you will not be able to install an upgrade version. Here is
a list of qualifying products:

Access 97 stand-alone
Access 2000 stand-alone
Office 97 Professional
Office 2000 Professional
Office 2000 Premium
Office 2000 Developer

Note the indivdual applications in Office XP are not called <AppName>
XP but rather <AppName> 2002.

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assistance by email can not be acknowledged.

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP

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