


How do I use VB to declare a String variable called StrReport, set the
strReport variable equal to an Input Box with the prompt, "Do you want to
print the Seminars Report? and the title "Seminars Report? and a default of

I can get the program as far as the prompt but then I get lost.


Brendan Reynolds

Public Function TestInputBox() As String

Dim strReport As String
strReport = InputBox("Your prompt goes here", _
"Your title goes here", _
"Your default goes here")
TestInputBox = strReport

End Function


It starts out as a sub report. I am closing a form and upon closing it, I am
asking "Do you want to print the Seminar's Report? The default is yes. I
then print the List Seminars report.

Then End Sub

Maybe I wasn't clear enough in what I wanted to do.

Brendan Reynolds

I'm sorry, Maryellen, but I have read and re-read your original question and
my answer, and it still seems to me that I have completely answered the
question you asked. I'm afraid I don't understand your follow-on post. In
particular, I don't understand the first sentence: "It starts out as a sub
report." What do you mean by 'it' in this context?

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