Access2000 empty subreport problem




I have problem when printing (or preview) report with subreport. All PC is
w2k, access use SQL server database. I have lot of reports with subreports
but problem is appear on just few reports. When I make report work fine, but
after few days or weeks when report or subreport is changed (add new field,
remove field, change font,....something like this) problem appear. If I
changed problematic report or subreport (it is not important what) in some
cases (rare) problem disappear and report works fine until next changes!?
Changes is not necessary, saving report is enough to problem apper. In all
cases subreport alone works fine.

On some PC subreport is empty (no data) on other PC works fine. I worked on
problematic PC install all SP's, change report, change subreport,... nothing
help. But when I login (windows) with different user (user from PC where
report work) report work fine - just in this case?!? Probably is catch in
user profile, but where?!

Any help or advice would be much appreciated.




Uro¹ said:

But when I login (windows) with different user (user from PC where
report work) report work fine - just in this case?!? Probably is catch in
user profile, but where?!

In Report-Record Source try use dbo.someTable this will help for all users


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