Access2000 - export to a delimited text format



In the macro, where you specified the name of the file
you are exporting, you should be able to add this string
to it :

"//..path/Collections" & format(now(), "dd-mmm-yyyy

So your macro properties would look like :

Action Argument
Transfer Type: 1
Specification Name:
Table Name: tblCollections
Name: "//..p
ath/Collections" & format(now(), "dd-mmm-yyyy
Has Field Names: Yes
HTML Table Name:

(sorry about the formatting in this window.)

Or you can try executing the whole process from VBA using
code similar to the one below if you want to name it
something other than Collections11Aug03 2:43:23 PM.txt :

Private Sub Command0_Click()

Dim varPathName As Variant
Dim varFileName As Variant

Dim MsgTblName, TitleTblName, ResponseTblName
MsgTblName = "What would you like to name this file?"
TitleTblName = "Name File"
ResponseTblName = InputBox(MsgTblName, TitleTblName)

varPathName = "C:\Documents and Settings\Sam
varFileName = ResponseTblName

acExportDelim, , "Sample_MSDN_HELP_tblField", varPathName
& varFileName & ".txt", True

End Sub

place that code behind a control on your form and have it
execute on an event Procedure.

I hope this helps.


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