Access2k to MSDE


Jack Hill


I have an Access2k application that I am trying to move
the BE to MSDE. I have loaded MSDE and copied the BE table
to MSDE. I copied the Application, placed it in it's own
directory and renamed it. I was able to link to the
tables. When I open my Main Menu, select a form to go to,
it opens fine. I see my data. When I hit the Cancel button
to close and return to the Main Menu, I get this message:
"You must use the dbSeeChanges option with OpenRecordset
when accessing a SQL Server table that has an IDENTITY
column." When I click OK it returns to the Main Menu.

Any Idea's what I am suppose to do with this?


Sylvain Lafontaine

Simply add the dbSeeChanges option on the offending instruction. (This is
usually an db.OpenRecordset or a db.Execute instructions.)

Make sure that you have set the "Error Trapping" option to "Break on All
Errors" inside VBA to be able see it. Otherwise, error trapping
instructions may cover the error until it's to late to see from where it
come exactly.

S. L.

Jack Hill

Thanks for the reply.

I am sorry but I am not very good with VBA Code. Could you
explain in a little more detail.


Sylvain Lafontaine

For the error trapping option, open any module in design, this will bring
the VBA code editor. From there, on the menu, go to "Options", then
"General", then "Error Trapping" and select "Break on All Errors". "Break
in Class modules" can also a valid option but I'm not sure.

As for the parameter "dbSeeChanges", here some exemples where I have added

db.Execute sql, dbSeeChanges
db.Execute sql, dbFailOnError Or dbSeeChanges

Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(sql, dbOpenDynaset, dbSeeChanges)
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(sql, dbOpenDynaset, dbAppendOnly Or

Hope that this will help you but it's my recommandation that you buy some
good books on Access and VBA, otherwise the conversion to SQL as BE will be
near to impossible.

Also, from your description, I'm not sure if you are using an Access ADP
project or an Access MDB file with linked tables for your frontend. There
are many differences beetween them. The above exemples are for ADP, not

S. L.

Jack Hill

Thanks again for the reply.
I will do what you have suggested with the Error Trapping
and look into the books.
The application is running on a Access97 BE with Access97
and 2k FE's. I created a ADP and copied the BE to the ADP.
The ADP is in the testing phase right now. I will not put
it live until I know it is ready.
Thanks for all your help.

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