Access97 / 200x Migration



Need help in understanding what is involved in migrating from Access97 to
2002+. I'll try to be a brief as possible. I am a self-taught programmer
that writes databases for a firm which, in my mind, has a non-standard way
of operating databases. Non-std in the sense that instead of incorporating
everything under a single database, it has a different database for each
vendor from which it buys data before modifying and selling the data. I
didnt change that format when I started programming for them. The company
has several employees, myself the only programmer/data processor; the
others, including owner, are just data processors. The owner does the final
bit of compilation and sends extractions to his various clients. Each
employee works from home and at the end of each day, sends by email, the
data processed, which he (owner) takes the following day into a final single
database to do the rest. Also, employees operate multiple databases, but at
the end of the day transfer all finished data to a single database and email
the company that database. All of this has been easy since we are using
version 97 with data-and-front-end contained in the same file. So at the end
we send that 1 file, he receives it (about 5) and do his stuff.

Migration issues:
I have been doing some reading on the differences of Access 2002+; the fact
that Microsoft will no longer update JET and is now focussed on SQL server,
which is a split client/server system. According to books, unless the firm
is a large one, there's no need to adapt the features of SQL server/MSDE.
However, if JET is no longer being updated, I am afraid of getting left
behind in the future, or not taking advantage of any new features the SQL
server will be getting. Therefore, I want to get into SQL server. The big
question is: does it allow me to keep our existing format - of having
multiple separate databases that transfer data to a central database and
then email that database to a remote user? If so how. Please explain.

Sorry for the verbosity of this message.

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