Access97 and FTP


Richard Krupa

Hey guys,

Is access97 capable of access an FTP site, sending the login and pwd and
downloading a file? or do i need some sort of activex control?


To my knowledge, Access 97 nor 2000 is capable of
transferring files from an ftp site. You can however, use
a simple batch file with the Get command to transfer the
files to a local directory, then use the
docmd.transfertext method to import your files (if they
are text files for example). However, you CAN prompt the
batch file to run from within Access (put it behind a
command button for example). Provide more details on
exactly what you're trying to achieve and perhaps I or
someone can guide you better.

Richard Krupa

Thanks for the reply :)

Ive developed an upgrade program which will insert the new fields into
tables, transfer new tables into the database and replace the old mde with
the new mde.

What i want to do now is setup an FTP site on our webserver and put the
upgrade file there.

At client sites i want a button that they can click that will auto log into
the ftp site and download the file. I also want to be able to have a
progress bar that indicates how much has been downloaded and whats remaining


Richard Krupa

Hi joe, i used the activex option, just one question, does it disconnect
from the ftp site? i checked how many users were still logged into the site
after i run the code and it says there was still 6 users connected. (6 users
= my 6 tests)


Richard Krupa

Also is there a way i can get the size of the file in bytes before i start
to download it?


Joe Fallon

Not really sure.
Doesn't look like it though!

You should use the Bye command as part of your code.

Open a Command window and type FTP and press <Enter>.
Then type help <Enter>.
The list of available commands is shown.
Learn them to figure out what you need.

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