Accessing a chart's sub-shapes programmatically




A diagram shape has sub-shapes called diagram-nodes which can be
accessed through the
DiagramNodes property of the parent shape.
My question is how do I access the sub-shapes of a chart - the series,
categories and elements the chart is composed of - programmatically?
It must be possible since when you assign custom animation to the
chart, the chart can be animated by series, category or by elements
within the series or category


Shyam Pillai

Yes, it is possible to manipulate the chart elements in PowerPoint. However
if you are getting started with it; it is a lot easier to record a macro
manipulating chart elements in Excel and then look at the code and then
adapt it to PowerPoint. MS Graph is the common charting component.


Hi Shyam,

Where do I locate this compnent? I don't see it in the object browser,
not in the pwerpoint library and not in the excel library..
How do I know what manipulations I can perform on it i.e. what
functions are available with this component?


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