Accessing Access from remote comuter



We have a small office of 2 computers. We have Access 07 on one computer with
our customer list and reports. Do I need to buy another Office Business
suite, put it on the 2nd computer in order for it to retrieve and view
reports from the mian computer? The two are networked - that is, the Punlic
folder is shared and they can see each other. Both are Vista Home Premium (I
know - that's the way they came)

Thanks in advance.

Brendan Reynolds

Shell said:
We have a small office of 2 computers. We have Access 07 on one computer
our customer list and reports. Do I need to buy another Office Business
suite, put it on the 2nd computer in order for it to retrieve and view
reports from the mian computer? The two are networked - that is, the
folder is shared and they can see each other. Both are Vista Home Premium
know - that's the way they came)

Thanks in advance.

If you only want to view reports, you may be able to use the snapshot viewer

Alternatively there's the runtime version of Access, which will enable you
view forms and update data as well as viewing reports, but not to make
design changes ...


Thanks Brendan - but from what I read at MS via the link you gave, I would
have to use this to package up the dtabase and then give it to the 2nd
computer and they unpack it an view the database. Then, if a change takes
place, repeat that process each time a change is made. Not what I was looking

See - the first computer, Main (we'll call it) has Office07 on it and we've
buolt a customer database on it. This changes 2 to 12 times a day - things
are added to the database, and taken away.

Our second ciomputer, no Office on it, needs to access, not change or edit
and design, the data. The second computer is to be used by sales reps that
come in to review customers orders and sales closed.

So far, the lengthy description is very technical but it appears the runtime
is a 'package the database with it and send that out' and when opened, will
allow one to view the embedded database. A great ptrogram if one wants to
send stuff over the net but not practicle for the purpose I hope I've
described properly.



Thanks Brendan - but from what I read at MS via the link you gave, I would
have to use this to package up the dtabase and then give it to the 2nd
computer and they unpack it an view the database. Then, if a change takes
place, repeat that process each time a change is made. Not what I was looking

See - the first computer, Main (we'll call it) has Office07 on it and we've
buolt a customer database on it. This changes 2 to 12 times a day - things
are added to the database, and taken away.

Our second ciomputer, no Office on it, needs to access, not change or edit
and design, the data. The second computer is to be used by sales reps that
come in to review customers orders and sales closed.

So far, the lengthy description is very technical but it appears the runtime
is a 'package the database with it and send that out' and when opened, will
allow one to view the embedded database. A great ptrogram if one wants to
send stuff over the net but not practicle for the purpose I hope I've
described properly.


just run Access on the share from the remote.


There should be a Newer Newbie New Users area because I don't have a clue
what you mean. Do you mean install another $700.00 MS Access on computer 2?
Do you mean indstall the "runtime version of Access" on computer 2 or on
Main? What's "the share", is that the Public Folder on the Main or on
computer # 2 and is the "remote" the Main computer with the existing MS
Access or is it another computer we should get?

George Nicholson

So far, the lengthy description is very technical but it appears the
is a 'package the database with it and send that out' and when opened,
allow one to view the embedded database.


Runtime is NOT just a viewer. It is a (almost) fully featured version of
Access that is intended for developers to include with their fully developed
applications for users who do not have a full retail version of Access (or
don't wish to buy additional copies). Runtime users can add/modify/view data
as normal, run queries, view reports. Runtime users can pretty much do
anything full retail users can EXCEPT create a new database or make design
changes to existing Tables, Forms, Reports or Code.

A runtime-ready "fully developed application" means a properly split
(frontend/backend) database that includes error trapping, menubars,
toolbars, etc. , so it does require some prep work from the developer.
Basics for Building Microsoft Office Access 2003 Runtime-Based Solutions
(general principles unchanged for 2007)
things are added to the database, and taken away.
Assuming "things" means data, that's fine. Any properly set up
frontend/backend application would support those changes being viewable on
multiple machines.


Thanks George - I think that explains some of it. But, I'm not a developer,
don't want to be one, and just want to share the custoemr list on one comuter
with the other computer - nothing more and what I'm finding is a lot, way too
much stuff and jargon about what makes things work. In a small operation of
two people and two compuetrs, all this stuff gets very confusing. Makes me
think passing apiece of paper across the table is going be cheaper, faster
and simpler :)

Brendan Reynolds

Shell said:
Thanks George - I think that explains some of it. But, I'm not a
don't want to be one, and just want to share the custoemr list on one
with the other computer - nothing more and what I'm finding is a lot, way
much stuff and jargon about what makes things work. In a small operation
two people and two compuetrs, all this stuff gets very confusing. Makes me
think passing apiece of paper across the table is going be cheaper, faster
and simpler :)

Splitting an Access app into a 'front-end' application file and a 'back-end'
data file really isn't very difficult. There's even a wizard that will do it
for you. In Access 2007, select the 'Database Tools' tab on the ribbon, then
in the 'Move Data' group select 'Access Database'.

Yes, passing a piece of paper across the table is cheaper, faster, and
simpler. Passing a thousand pieces of paper across the table, however, is


Thanks Brendan:

The difference is that you folk who are much more experienced, and someone
like I who have just installed Access, terms like "front-end" and "back-end"
needs research. I've often found that asking Google to "define access 2007
front-end" has more info-overload than one could ever hope to avoid.

I bought the book "Access 2007 Bible" comes with a CD. I am looking for the
book that explains how to use the book :) Joking aside, it too jumps right
into using terms that expects the reader to already know. Some terms refer to
a lengthy process - that is not described. So, with book in one hand (well,
on a big table), and Google on the ready with the other, many days and long
hours are ahead. I'm not so sure it's worth it. I don't want to learn Access,
I just want to be able to input some customer info and be able to access it
from the other one in the office.

I sort of see it like having to become a 757 pilot so I can share vacation


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