Accessing existing InBox, etc from OE2999 after installing Office 2003 - How to


Richard L


I just installed Office 2003 and, using its Help menu, was able to recover
all my newsgroup servers and the specifc newsgroups I had subscribed to --
looks great.

In the process, I also got a bunch of local folders where I had saved stuff
from my InBox.

What I didn't get in my existing InBox. There is a new, essentially empty
InBox my Outlook Personal-Folders. What can I do to get to populated that
InBox with my existing one (I still see a couple of InBox folders on my file
system under my username and with 300+MBs each.

Thanks in advance,

Richard L


Please don't respond to this thread.

I had typos in the Subject line and in the body of the original message on
this thread. I started a new thread by posting the corrected message,
which has a Subject "Accessing existing InBox, etc from OE2000 after
installing Office 2003 - How to".

If you're inclined to address my problem, kindly post your response on the
new thread.

Thank you,

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