Accessing .LNK files directly



Hi all...

I'm searching ways to set up a link database from which I can
extract subsets to list in a website. Despite much searching,
I haven't found an acceptable solution in a cheap standalone
product, or as an open source Access database.

Basically, I'd like to have fields for the URL, link title, date last accessed,
as well as a description field that initially defaults to the META description.
I'd like to have the database be able to synch with my Favorites folder.

Then it occurred to me that I could use Favorites links as "database"
records by opening the .LNK file for the link and adding custom fields.

Is this a good idea?


Kevin Spencer

A hyperlink is text. No reason to complicate things. Just store the URLs as
text in the database. Create your links in your page.


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
Neither a follower nor a lender be.


Thanks, Kevin...
I know I can do what you've suggested, but was mostly interested
in the following concepts:

-- Synching such a "database" with my Favorites folder becomes
moot, because each shortcut is a "record". Otherwise, I'd have
to write recursive folder-checker-and-comparison code.

-- You get drag-and-drop addition, or modification, of records, when
you drag a link from the Address bar in IE to the Fav pane, for

-- Question: is there a problem with adding custom fields to a .LNK


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