I have written a Com-Addin (In VB) in which I need to access an
openitem event of an email form. I am new to it and don;t know what
needs to be done to make it work. This is my code, but I dont see the
code being executed when a new mailitem is created in outlook. Please
Option Explicit
Public oApplication As Outlook.Application
Public WithEvents INewInspectors As Outlook.Inspectors
'Public WithEvents INewInspectors As Inspectors
Public MyMail As MailItem
Implements IDTExtensibility2
Private Sub IDTExtensibility2_OnAddInsUpdate(custom() As Variant)
' Occurs when the set of connected COM add-ins changes, that is when
' any other add-in is connected or disconnected.
' The custom argument is ignored.
End Sub
Private Sub IDTExtensibility2_OnBeginShutdown(custom() As Variant)
' If the COM add-in is connected, occurs when Outlook begins its
' shutdown routines.
' The custom argument is ignored.
End Sub
Private Sub IDTExtensibility2_OnConnection(ByVal Application As
Object, ByVal ConnectMode As AddInDesignerObjects.ext_ConnectMode,
ByVal AddInInst As Object, custom() As Variant)
' Occurs when the COM add-in is connected.
' The Application argument is the Outlook Application object.
' The ConnectMode argument specifies how the COM add-in was connected.
' It can be
' ext_cm_AfterStartup Add-in was connected after Outlook
' or the Connect property of the
' COMAddIn object was set to True
' ext_cm_Startup Add-in was connected on startup
' ext_cm_External
' ext_cm_CommandLine
' The AddInInst argument is the COMAddIn object that refers to the
' instance of the add-in itself.
' The custom argument is ignored.
Set oApplication = Application
Call Initialize_handler
'Set oNS = oApplication.GetNamespace("MAPI")
'Set MyMail = oApplication.CreateItem(olMailItem)
'MyMail.Subject = "TEST"
End Sub
Private Sub IDTExtensibility2_OnDisconnection(ByVal RemoveMode As
AddInDesignerObjects.ext_DisconnectMode, custom() As Variant)
' Occurs when the COM add-in is disconnected.
' The RemoveMode argument specifies how the COM add-in was
' It can be
' ext_dm_HostShutdown Add-in was disconnected when Outlook
' closed.
' ext_dm_UserClosed Add-in was disconnected when the user
' cleared the corresponding check box in
' COM Add-ins dialog box, or the Connect
' property of the corresponding COMAddIn
' object was set to False.
' The custom argument is ignored.
End Sub
Private Sub IDTExtensibility2_OnStartupComplete(custom() As Variant)
' If the COM add-in connects at startup, occurs when Outlook completes
' its startup routines. This event does not occur if the COM add-in is
' connected when Outlook loads, even when the user connects the add-in
' the COM Add-ins dialog box.
' The custom argument is ignored.
End Sub
Public Sub Initialize_handler()
On Error Resume Next
Set INewInspectors = oApplication.Inspectors
End Sub
' This function is called when we create a new inspector item,i.e. a
new mail
Public Sub INewInspectors_NewInspector(ByVal INewInspectors As
Set MyMail = INewInspectors.CurrentItem
'check to see if message is created using a custom form
If MyMail.MessageClass = "IPM.Note.BC_Message_WOCode" Then
MyMail.Subject = "TEST"
' once I am here then I need to do more processing like
populating some custom fields etc.
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
openitem event of an email form. I am new to it and don;t know what
needs to be done to make it work. This is my code, but I dont see the
code being executed when a new mailitem is created in outlook. Please
Option Explicit
Public oApplication As Outlook.Application
Public WithEvents INewInspectors As Outlook.Inspectors
'Public WithEvents INewInspectors As Inspectors
Public MyMail As MailItem
Implements IDTExtensibility2
Private Sub IDTExtensibility2_OnAddInsUpdate(custom() As Variant)
' Occurs when the set of connected COM add-ins changes, that is when
' any other add-in is connected or disconnected.
' The custom argument is ignored.
End Sub
Private Sub IDTExtensibility2_OnBeginShutdown(custom() As Variant)
' If the COM add-in is connected, occurs when Outlook begins its
' shutdown routines.
' The custom argument is ignored.
End Sub
Private Sub IDTExtensibility2_OnConnection(ByVal Application As
Object, ByVal ConnectMode As AddInDesignerObjects.ext_ConnectMode,
ByVal AddInInst As Object, custom() As Variant)
' Occurs when the COM add-in is connected.
' The Application argument is the Outlook Application object.
' The ConnectMode argument specifies how the COM add-in was connected.
' It can be
' ext_cm_AfterStartup Add-in was connected after Outlook
' or the Connect property of the
' COMAddIn object was set to True
' ext_cm_Startup Add-in was connected on startup
' ext_cm_External
' ext_cm_CommandLine
' The AddInInst argument is the COMAddIn object that refers to the
' instance of the add-in itself.
' The custom argument is ignored.
Set oApplication = Application
Call Initialize_handler
'Set oNS = oApplication.GetNamespace("MAPI")
'Set MyMail = oApplication.CreateItem(olMailItem)
'MyMail.Subject = "TEST"
End Sub
Private Sub IDTExtensibility2_OnDisconnection(ByVal RemoveMode As
AddInDesignerObjects.ext_DisconnectMode, custom() As Variant)
' Occurs when the COM add-in is disconnected.
' The RemoveMode argument specifies how the COM add-in was
' It can be
' ext_dm_HostShutdown Add-in was disconnected when Outlook
' closed.
' ext_dm_UserClosed Add-in was disconnected when the user
' cleared the corresponding check box in
' COM Add-ins dialog box, or the Connect
' property of the corresponding COMAddIn
' object was set to False.
' The custom argument is ignored.
End Sub
Private Sub IDTExtensibility2_OnStartupComplete(custom() As Variant)
' If the COM add-in connects at startup, occurs when Outlook completes
' its startup routines. This event does not occur if the COM add-in is
' connected when Outlook loads, even when the user connects the add-in
' the COM Add-ins dialog box.
' The custom argument is ignored.
End Sub
Public Sub Initialize_handler()
On Error Resume Next
Set INewInspectors = oApplication.Inspectors
End Sub
' This function is called when we create a new inspector item,i.e. a
new mail
Public Sub INewInspectors_NewInspector(ByVal INewInspectors As
Set MyMail = INewInspectors.CurrentItem
'check to see if message is created using a custom form
If MyMail.MessageClass = "IPM.Note.BC_Message_WOCode" Then
MyMail.Subject = "TEST"
' once I am here then I need to do more processing like
populating some custom fields etc.
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub