Digging around I've found that there is no way to access Outlook/Exchange
data using the .mdb/linked table wizard technique, that is you have to code!
There's a quite simple sample on MS explaining how/to @
(http://support.microsoft.com/kb/290792/); basically it shows how to move
data between a table and Outlook.
Assuming I'd like to update data on the Exchange Server, that means I need
to read and update data from a SQL server table.
Apart form thinking about the effectiveness of this technique, also
wondering if there's a less complex method to acheive the same result,
considering also the multiuser environment......
data using the .mdb/linked table wizard technique, that is you have to code!
There's a quite simple sample on MS explaining how/to @
(http://support.microsoft.com/kb/290792/); basically it shows how to move
data between a table and Outlook.
Assuming I'd like to update data on the Exchange Server, that means I need
to read and update data from a SQL server table.
Apart form thinking about the effectiveness of this technique, also
wondering if there's a less complex method to acheive the same result,
considering also the multiuser environment......