Accessing Peachtree Data



Is it possible - and can someone give me an example - of linking Access to

Initially, I just wish to pass a single dollar amount, from Peachtree to
Access, and would rather not work through the export function of Peachtree.
However, I will eventually want to pass more data between the two systems, in
both directions.

Thanks, in advance.



By the way, what type of shark are you :)

It goes all the way back to my highschool days (daze?). And the answer
would be Pool Shark. =)

Thanks for the help.


Larry Linson

Pool as in the "swimming" type, or as in "Joe's Pool Hall and Den of
Iniquity"? I hung out, sometimes, at one of the latter in the days of my
callow youth and managed to survive it.

And, despite the fear marketed by various preacher-types in my hometown, I
never saw a thing "iniquitous" happen in several years. You couldn't even
buy a beer there. And, to top it off, the most offensive phrase their parrot
could say was, "Rack, Joe!" Hmmm. Come to think if it, that is the only
phrase I ever heard that parrot say.

At the end of a game, you'd call that out, Joe would come, rack the balls,
and collect for the game. (I won't say how little it cost, because I can't
stand to hear adults cry. <GRIN>)


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