Accessing using Outlook 2007


Ken M

I have just installed Outlook 2007 on my new machine running Vista Business.
I cannot figure out how to configure access to the server
No matter what I have tried it always sets up an HTTP connection.
Any help offered will be greatly appreciated.

Ken M

Thank you Mary
I will not tell you how many support emails I have received from Microsoft,
none of which pointed me to this article.
I will try the solution presented.
One other question if I might.
Am I safe in assuming that the password required is the same as the password
I use if I access the msn inbox using Hotmail, that is my Live ID password?

F. H. Muffman

Ken M said:
I will not tell you how many support emails I have received from
none of which pointed me to this article.

I hope you reply to the senders with what solved the problem so that they
learn as well. =)
Am I safe in assuming that the password required is the same as the
I use if I access the msn inbox using Hotmail, that is my Live ID

Yes, it should be.

Ken M

Thank you Mary I can once again access msn using pop3.
One thing to note, the "format" of the User Login Name has changed from, in
my case, "Ken_Mason" to the full email address ("(e-mail address removed))
Once again thanks

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