Accessing PS 2007 from the internet using forms authentication


Ayman M. Alyan

I managed to install PS 2007 and configure it to use windows authentication
and Forms authentication, I can browse the server internally using both
I made altenative access mapping to the sharepoint administration site and
now I can access the server from the internet using windows authentication
successfuly but when I try to access from the internet using forms
authentication I can reach the sign in screen but when i enter user mane and
password i got "the page can not be displayed"
Is there any extra configuration needed for forms authentaiaction web site
to be accessed from the internet?

I appreciate your help.


Jiaheng Qin

Dear Ayman M. Anlyan,

I have no idea on how to configure internet access of project server 2007.
It takes me months to find solutions, but at last I failed.
Can you tell me how you arrange them?
Detailed configuration will be appreciated.
Thank you very much.

Jiaheng Qin

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