Accessing Resource Object after .Find


Jim Zeeb

I've encountered a problem with some code that used to work just fine.
I'm trying to access a Resource and update some of the custom fields with
data from an Excel spreadsheet.

Here is my code:

resFound = msp.Find(Field:="Name", Test:="equals", MatchCase:=False, _
Value:=Trim(lastName) & " " & Trim(firstName))
If resFound Then
AppActivate msp.projects(1).Name
Set res = msp.ActiveSelection.Resources(1)
End if

msp is the Application object for the MsProject file that is open.
res is defined as Object (for LateBinding purposes)
I have already set the view to ResourceSheet and the correct resource name
is selected.

I'm getting a 424 Object Required error.
In the Immediate window, msp.ActiveSelection.Resources.Count returns "1"

This is probably something simple, but I'm not seeing it.
I know I could loop through all the resouces looking for a match, but the
Find should be a lot quicker.


Rod Gill

Hi Jim,

If the code is running in Project try:
on error resume next
set res=activeproject.resources(Trim(lastName) & " " & Trim(firstName))
if err then
'Resource not found
end if

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