I am trying to access the two shapes being connected by a dynamic connector.
When I access the '1-D Endpoints' section of the connector shape and retrieve
the X, Y coordinates of the two ends, I am able to parse out the 'From' shape
and the 'To' shape names that can then be used in the <shape
object>.get_ItemU(<shame name>) method of the page object.
The problem that I am currently having is:
One of my shape's master is named 'FileAcquisition' in the stencil. When I
drop it on the drawing page and check its shape sheet, the name in the title
bar of the shape sheet window is 'Rounded process' [Drawing1
process <SHAPE>]. When retrieve the 'BeginX' cell from the '1-D Endpoints'
and parse out the name, I get 'FileAcquisition', but when I check the shape
sheet the name that it has in the BeginX cell is 'Rounded process'.
[=PAR(PNT(Rounded process!Connections.RequestLocation.X,Rounded
Could someone please explain to me why this is happening? It's more than
just a little frustrating. The code that I'm using to parse out the BeginX is
[shapeSubject is the connector]:
Cell cBeginX =
(short)VisRowIndices.visRowXForm1D, (short)VisCellIndices.vis1DBeginX);
string sFromBot = ((cBeginX.Formula.Split(new string[] { "!" },
StringSplitOptions.None))[0].Split(new string[] { "(" },
The formula being returned from cBeginX.Formula:
The formula in the Shape Sheet for the connector shape:
=PAR(PNT(Rounded process!Connections.RequestLocation.X,Rounded
When I access the '1-D Endpoints' section of the connector shape and retrieve
the X, Y coordinates of the two ends, I am able to parse out the 'From' shape
and the 'To' shape names that can then be used in the <shape
object>.get_ItemU(<shame name>) method of the page object.
The problem that I am currently having is:
One of my shape's master is named 'FileAcquisition' in the stencil. When I
drop it on the drawing page and check its shape sheet, the name in the title
bar of the shape sheet window is 'Rounded process' [Drawing1
process <SHAPE>]. When retrieve the 'BeginX' cell from the '1-D Endpoints'
and parse out the name, I get 'FileAcquisition', but when I check the shape
sheet the name that it has in the BeginX cell is 'Rounded process'.
[=PAR(PNT(Rounded process!Connections.RequestLocation.X,Rounded
Could someone please explain to me why this is happening? It's more than
just a little frustrating. The code that I'm using to parse out the BeginX is
[shapeSubject is the connector]:
Cell cBeginX =
(short)VisRowIndices.visRowXForm1D, (short)VisCellIndices.vis1DBeginX);
string sFromBot = ((cBeginX.Formula.Split(new string[] { "!" },
StringSplitOptions.None))[0].Split(new string[] { "(" },
The formula being returned from cBeginX.Formula:
The formula in the Shape Sheet for the connector shape:
=PAR(PNT(Rounded process!Connections.RequestLocation.X,Rounded