Accessing the excel 2007 context menus...



Can anyone tell me how to access the command buttons on the 'Row' context
menu in Excel 2007. Using Id 293 works for Excel 2003 and it also locates a
Row/&Delete... menu item but this seems to not be the one that pops up when
you right click on a highlighted row. I'm trying to hook into the click event
for this menu item.


Ron de Bruin

Hi Jimm

This is working Ok in 2007
Application.CommandBars("Row").FindControl(ID:=293).Enabled = False


Correct - I'm able to find that control but it seems to not be the one I'm
looking for...
If I use the following code - I get no event firing...

Office.CommandBarButton btn =
(CommandBarButton)App.CommandBars.FindControl(missing, 293, missing, missing);

btn.Click += App_DeleteClick;

I find the control - but the event never fires...

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