Accessing the functions inside an add-in?



I've created an add-in. I would like to make the functions in it available
to other VBA programmers. I figure the programmer would need to Reference
the add-in. What can I do to my add-in code that would allow its functions
to be accessed by outside modules? My add-in is not contained in a Class
module...does that matter?


Nevermind, I figured it out.
--- Code Start ---
Sub test()
Dim dummy As String 'My function does return a value

dummy = Application.Run("SAP_Data_Assistant.SAP_ReturnDataPath", _
"C:\Excel\OTS\SAP OPOS Output File.xls", "",
Sheets("Where").Range("A2").Value, False)

Sheets(1).Range("A1").Value = dummy
End Sub
--- Code End ---
My add-in is named "SAP_Data_Assistant.xla" and the function I want to use
is "SAP_ReturnDataPath" (it has a parameter list but that's not important

Basically it's:
Application.Run ("add-in name.function"[, paramater1][,parameter2][,etc.])

For simple functions:
Application.Run "add-in name.function"

Suggestions for a better way are welcomed :)

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