accessing the GAL with a button



At the moment i am developing a system to replace forms that are running
exchange 5.5 and office 97, with infopath and exchange 2003.

within the orginal forms their a button that access the gobal address for
the firm, i am in the process try to replicate this button but i am at a loss
to do this.

Franck Dauché


Do you already have managed code to achieve this or are you looking for
code? Do you need to use the code of your old form in InfoPath? I am not
sure I understand your question here.
Can you tell us more?


Franck Dauché


As a company, we had an email infrastructure that was running Exchange 5.5 on
NT 4 workstations using Outlook 2000 client. We were using forms designed in
Electronic Forms Designer 5.0; these gave the ability to access the company
address book using the To; CC and BCC buttons bringing up a window that
allowed recipients to be added to the form from the organisation address

We are in the process migrating over to Windows 2003 Active Directory,
Exchange 2003 and using windows XP with Outlook 2003. We are thinking of
using InfoPath as the new form system within our organisation. I am in the
process of writing some test forms and am look at replicating the process of
the original forms and the ability to access the GAL via the LDAP, so that we
can place email address in the form.


Here one way to implement it:
1. nightly process reads LDAP and populates SQL tables (can be fired
manually if needed)
from 'LDAP://DC=domainname,DC=com' where objectcategory='user'
2. button click:
a) retrieves data from a web service assessing the sql table (
webservice exposes parameters: fields,filter,order,page) this data is
copied into holding fields in the main XML source.
b) opens a hidden area on form to expose user selection. This area
provides next/previous page, filtering input box and button, refresh
button, close area button.
3. the user selection list has checkboxes - checking a box places the
email/displayname/phone/userid into appropriate fields on form.
4. before submitting the form the holding area for the user selection
section is removed.


thanks lots

this morning a had a very similar it about the ldap and extracting the data
into database. The idea of hidden file could be very useful.

cheers to everyone that has help

Bob C.

Does this need to be run on the Exchange Server, or can any SQL Server in the
domain perform this type of connection?

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