I've done the obligatory searching on google for an answer to this
question but without success.
I have a form (say switchboard) which opens various other forms. I
would like this switchboard to open another form, wait till that form
is closed, then continue execution (such as requerying the current form
with up to date data). Ok, I'm sure the experts already have the word
DIALOG popping in their heads and sure enough that works.
HOWEVER, opening a form in dialog mode I am advised is not the proper
way of opening general data entry forms.. but apart from bad form
design, it also means you can't use toolbars or if the form in dialog
mode opens up a query on the screen (read only mode) it opens in the
background as this form is in Dialog mode.
I know one solution would be to simulate a Dialog window by doing:
on error resume next
do while forms(sFrmName).name = sFrmName
This works, but it is processor intensive... and would you believe, my
customers laptop OVERHEATS when the processor is running at 99% for a
prolonged period of time...
Apart from telling the customer to buy a new laptop (!), is there any
other suggestions...
I'm considering looking in the API for a better DOEVENTS... or some
WAIT command to wait 1 second etc.... yuck but hey?
Ju Chao
I've done the obligatory searching on google for an answer to this
question but without success.
I have a form (say switchboard) which opens various other forms. I
would like this switchboard to open another form, wait till that form
is closed, then continue execution (such as requerying the current form
with up to date data). Ok, I'm sure the experts already have the word
DIALOG popping in their heads and sure enough that works.
HOWEVER, opening a form in dialog mode I am advised is not the proper
way of opening general data entry forms.. but apart from bad form
design, it also means you can't use toolbars or if the form in dialog
mode opens up a query on the screen (read only mode) it opens in the
background as this form is in Dialog mode.
I know one solution would be to simulate a Dialog window by doing:
on error resume next
do while forms(sFrmName).name = sFrmName
This works, but it is processor intensive... and would you believe, my
customers laptop OVERHEATS when the processor is running at 99% for a
prolonged period of time...
Apart from telling the customer to buy a new laptop (!), is there any
other suggestions...
I'm considering looking in the API for a better DOEVENTS... or some
WAIT command to wait 1 second etc.... yuck but hey?
Ju Chao