accessing twice a memo field in a recordset



I have filled a recordset with an sql query that reads from an Access database.

When I try to access twice the same field which in Access was a memo, the
first time i get the values that are in the database, but the second time the
oRs.Fields("MM_ISSUES") is equal to Null.

Can someone help please??


Here is usful info from the Acess VBA Help under Recordset Object

When you open a Recordset, the current record is positioned to the first
record (if any) and the BOF and EOF properties are set to False. If there are
no records, the BOF and EOF property settings are True.

You can use the MoveFirst, MoveLast, MoveNext, and MovePrevious methods; the
Move method; and the AbsolutePosition, AbsolutePage, and Filter properties to
reposition the current record, assuming the provider supports the relevant
functionality. Forward-only Recordset objects support only the MoveNext
method. When you use the Move methods to visit each record (or enumerate the
Recordset), you can use the BOF and EOF properties to determine if you've
moved beyond the beginning or end of the Recordset.


Thanks for that Joel.

But my problem is when i access twice the same field that relates to a same
row. Basically it is as if i was accessing twice the same column for the very
same row.


thanks for that Joel.

But my problem is within a same row of a recordset trying to access the same
field twice. Its like if in a database i was trying to access twice the same
column for a given row.



Access the data moved the pointer to the nexr row. The second time you look
for the data it is not there. I think you have to move the pointer.

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