Accessing Visio Shapes Through



I am working on #C project that allows the user to create shape
using Visio and I am able to bring Viso document on the Window form
create shapes,saving them etc. Now I am wondering How to access thos
shapes, so that I want to change the color or text of the shape to dra
the user attention for any wanings etc. Does any one know how to d
this? I will appreciate the help.



I thought basically nothing is different in C# or in VBA Macro.
You moght need your question more speciphic.


Hello JuneTheSecond,
Thanks for your reply. I am using for m
development and I still can use VBA code. I have embedded the VISO i
my Windows form application. So that the user can open any Visi
drawing file through my application and can edit the Drawing, add o
delete shapes.

My application allows user to draw a network diagram and uses circle
to represent nodes of the Network. This network diagram just represent
the Live network that this application monitors and controls. When m
application finds a problem with particular node, then it alerts th
user by changing the color of the node (one of the shape) in th
network drawing.

Now I want some help to access the shapes of Visio application, s
that I can indicate alarms by changing the color of the shapes

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