Accessing Worksheet stored within Power Point



Power point does not have a programming forum, so I am forced to post here.

My presentation include an embedded Excel chart. During presentation, I
would like to modify some parameters and show how the chart changes. I could
not find any way to do this, through help files, object browser or online
sources. Can someone gve me pointer to start playing with this worksheet?



I assume you used PasteSpecial to put the chart into Power Point as a
excel object so the chart is an ActiveX object.

1) When using one office product in another office product you need t
add the reference library to the VBA application to be able to use al
the commands.

From Power Point VBA menu

Tools - References - Microsoft Excel XX.X objct Library

Make sure you check the box next to the objet and press the OK button

2) Here is some code to get you started.

Sub test()

Dim Excelbk As Excel.Workbook
Dim Excelchart As Excel.Chart

Set Myslide = ActivePresentation.Slides(1)
For Each myshape In Myslide.Shapes
Set Excelbk = myshape.OLEFormat.Object
Set Excelchart = Excelbk.ActiveChart
Next myshape

End Sub

If you get an error in the above code verify the Reference is checke
in the VBA menu.

Once you have the excel chart you should be able to use the object lik
any excel chart. Chart are hard objects to work with and should refe
to a specific forum on excel charts for help. I've done a good numbe
of macros using excel charts and still have trouble get the exac
syntax. I usually refer back to one of my old macros for charting whe
I run into problems.


Thanks Joel, I was able to access the excel sheet this way. However, what I
wanted to do was either not possible, or needs a lot more work.

In short, I have a range of data and the chart pasted on the same slide.
Being a highly optimistic fellow, I was hoping that when I change the data,
the chart will be updated (as they are linked in the original workbook).
Silly me.

I think I am going to try again by pasting them as links, then change data
in thesource file and update links. This ought to work I guess, if can figure
out how to open the source invisibly and update links during presentation

Thanks for the tip though.


That is not going to work. The entire workbook is in Power Point an
you are just viewing that chart. Double clik the chart object and yo
will get the entire workbook. You have to change the data inside th
Power Point Object. You can change these items inside a macro in Powe
Point. that is why I created a variable for the workbook in my macro.
You can access the sheets and the ranges on the sheet using my code

Set Excelbk = myshape.OLEFormat.Object
Excelbk.sheets("sheet1").Range("A1") = 5


Many thanks Joel. Your version did not work, but I got it done still due to
your pointers. I guess I should have mentioned that I use 2007, and the chart
I pasted did not appear as an OLE object, OLEFormat method gave an error. In
the end, the following worked:

Set ch2 = ActivePresentation.Slides(2).Shapes(2)
Set wk = ch2.Chart.ChartData.Workbook
With wk.ActiveSheet.Range("Ali")
.Value = .Value + 1
End With



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