Of course it's acting like a filter: you put the expression into the
Criteria field (making it show up in the WHERE clause. You should have put
the expression into the top row of a new column in the grid. Here is how it
should look in the sql:
SELECT testing.Qty,Left([testing].[Qty],3) As LeftTest
FROM testing
Paste that into SQL View then switch to Design View to see how you should
have entered it into the grid.
Keke said:
[testing] is a table. It makes no difference whether if seting the
command with '.' or '!' and results are the same from noth. The SQL
view shows:
SELECT testing.Qty
FROM testing
WHERE (((testing.Qty)=Left([testing]![Qty],7)));
Bob Barrows said:
Keke Lee wrote:
This is a sample I have just created (other than the one in my
production, but I think my previous issue is still the same):
Date Qty
7/11/2008 987832.1
7/12/2008 3752
7/13/2008 35628.38
7/14/2008 645.3
7/15/2008 91
7/16/2008 8
7/17/2008 57645
7/18/2008 954389
7/19/2008 8798532
7/20/2008 8682.94
7/21/2008 354.68
Query Result:
Please switch your query to SQL View (View menu or toolbar button)
and show us the sql statement being generated by Access. These
results are certainly not correct.
What is [testing]? Is that a form? I'm a little puzzled why the bang
(!) operator is being used rather than a period. If I were writing
this query, I would say:
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