accidentally turned off auto-numbering how to turn back on



i accidentally turned off the auto-correct numbering on my OneNote 2003 and I
was wondering if anyone can help me turn it back on.
I find the help sections doens't really address my concern.
It used to be that when i type in 1 period space it automatically does the
numbering for me, but I accidentally turned it off when i clicked on the
auto-correct box that popped out.
Please I need help turning this thing back on since it really saves me time
when I'm typing notes in class.
Thanks so much!

Kathy J

Go to Tools--> Options--> Editing tab. You'll see 2 check boxes that you
will want to turn back on, one for Automatic Numbering and one for Automatic
Bullets. Post back if you can't find them.

Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft MVP PowerPoint and OneNote
Co-Author of Life on OneNote - Coming Dec 2004 from Holy Macro! Books
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I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived

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