


Does anyone has an example using Docmd.RunCommand

I want to use it to change the criteria from code

[MVP] S. Clark

I think that Docmd.RunCommand acCmdQueryParameters will simply open the
Query Parameters dialog box during the design view of a query. I don't
think that this is your intention. I think that you would like to run a
query, and pass a value to the existing parameter within the query.

If so, then...

The following code sample is brought you by...
Total Visual Sourcebook

Function RunQueryParameter(strQuery As String, strParameter As String,
varValue As Variant, _
Optional ByRef rlngRecAff As Long) As Boolean
' Comments : Run an Action query that requires a parameter
' Parameters: strQuery - a saved ACTION query to run
' strParameter - name of parameter to specify
' varValue - the value to assign the parameter
' Returns : True if successful, False otherwise
' Revisions : 11/15/99 - SBC, DJH - Modified to work with ADO
If gcfHandleErrors Then On Error GoTo Proc_Err

Dim cmd As ADODB.Command
Dim cat As New ADOX.Catalog

'Open the Catalog to be able to see the stored Queries
cat.ActiveConnection = Application.CurrentProject.Connection
'Set the Command Object to the desired Query
Set cmd = cat.Procedures(strQuery).Command
'Set the Parameter value. Don't forget the brackets!
'cmd.Parameters("[" & strParameter & "]") = varValue
'Run the query

'Because there is only one parameter, send with the execute method
cmd.Execute rlngRecAff, varValue

RunQueryParameter = True

Exit Function

Call ErrHandler(mcstrModName, gstrProcName)
RunQueryParameter = False
Resume Proc_Exit

End Function

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