Account Migration



Hi - was wondering if anyone can help me with this one.

I have recently had my network authentication from Novell to Active
Directory, as a result I now have a new Windows user account.

Under my new Windows account, I am able to log-into Groove using downloaded
Groove account info (I backed-up my account beforehand), but I am unable to
access my workspaces - because I am logged in as a different Windows user,
Groove thinks the workspaces are on a different machine. Is there anyway for
me to access the existing workspaces (they are still sitting excrypted on my
hard-disk) or do I need to download the workspaces again from other users

I should still have access to my old Windows account for the next 2 days.

many thanks


Dear Valgarv,

Based on your situation and my research, I think we have two ways to handle
this issue.

1: We can muanually copy the Groove data from your old windows account to
your new account.
1:shut down your Groove application in your new windows account.
2: Copy the data from c:\document and settings\your older account name\local
settings\application data\Groove to c:\document and settings\your new account
name\local settings\application data
3: Restart your Groove account and then test the results.

2: We can normally save this account as a .grv file and then restore it into
your new Windows account.

If the solution 1 cannot resolve it, then I think you'd better use the
soultion 2 to handle this issue and I believe that it can resolve it


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