account statement in access reports



hello ,
I have a Report showing List of Transactions for accounts.and I have only
one field in my contorl source for the amounts whether debits or credits. but
in the report , i want to keep the debits separate and the credits also
separate , like the bank statement of accounts. how can i do this.


Assuming you have opposite sign (say, credit as positive and debit as
negative) then check out the help entry for Format, particularly number
formatting and custom formats. You can define a format that includes literal
characters, so if you display the results in a text box that is wider than
necessary and include something like a tab character (Ascii code 9), you can
offset debits to what looks like a separate column.

Alternatively, provide two text boxes, each bound to the transaction amount
but using a calculated control source value something like:

= iif([Value] >=0, [Value], Null)

= iif([Value] < 0, [Value], Null)

Hope that helps

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