Accounts Missing from OE Tools Menu


english teacher

I just switched to wireless and need to change my accounts info to receive
emails. However, Accounts is missing from the menu and has been for some
time because I have looked for it on a couple of other occasions in the last
few months but didn't have time to track down the problem.

I have OE (xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158) installed.

I've already searched the Outlook newsgroup and don't find anything like
this problem. I've tried the suggestions for similar problems but no luck.
I've also searched on the web in general and still no luck.

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Judy Gleeson \(MVP Outlook\)

You are looking in the wrong place. This is an Outlook Newsgroup, not
Outlook Express and although they sound similar they are not at all.

Head to the Outlook Express Newsgroup and they'll help you there.

Here are some tips about how to post questions:


Judy Gleeson
MVP Outlook
Trainer and Consultant

There are various articles about using Outlook here:
Canberra, Australia

english teacher

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction and I aplogize if I addressed
my question to the wrong newsgroup. However, it has not been easy to find
the correct newsgroup. Since I received your response, I have eventually
tracked down the correct site but it has required going through several
levels and various screens before finally locating it. The OE newsgroup is
just not as easy to find as the one for Outlook and it should be. I thank
you for sending me the link to the "how to ask a question" site, but you have
to know that OE is hidden under IE.

Judy Gleeson \(MVP Outlook\)

I find them very easilly and find it easy to differentiate the two:




Judy Gleeson
MVP Outlook
Trainer and Consultant

There are various articles about using Outlook here:
Canberra, Australia


Judy Gleeson (MVP Outlook) said:
I find them very easilly and find it easy to differentiate the two:



The OP is using the horrible web interface... ;-)

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