I have set up a form using single cell tables, where the tables may need to
be moved to get the fields to print accurately. This is on a case by case
basis. I find that sometimes the tables, even holding down the ALT key, do
not want to move in small amounts, or at least stay moved. Part of the
problem I've noticed is that Word changes the layout (eg, if the field is
close to the center and I move it, Word automatically changes the cell to
centered on the page). Any ideas on ways to more precisely (and
consistently) move table cells?
be moved to get the fields to print accurately. This is on a case by case
basis. I find that sometimes the tables, even holding down the ALT key, do
not want to move in small amounts, or at least stay moved. Part of the
problem I've noticed is that Word changes the layout (eg, if the field is
close to the center and I move it, Word automatically changes the cell to
centered on the page). Any ideas on ways to more precisely (and
consistently) move table cells?