Trevor Aiston
A database I have inherited has field 'Status'. Data is entered in to this
field from a range values in a combo box
"planning/design";"data collection";"data input";"data analysis";"report
preparation";"action plan preparation";"awaiting summary";"project
complete";"project postponed";"project cancelled";"unknown";"long term"
I want to create a query that will return all records 'excluding' "project
complete";"project postponed";"project cancelled" values.
I've played with the NOT operator but think I'm probabably way off mark.
Can anyone suggest a way forward.
Thank you
field from a range values in a combo box
"planning/design";"data collection";"data input";"data analysis";"report
preparation";"action plan preparation";"awaiting summary";"project
complete";"project postponed";"project cancelled";"unknown";"long term"
I want to create a query that will return all records 'excluding' "project
complete";"project postponed";"project cancelled" values.
I've played with the NOT operator but think I'm probabably way off mark.
Can anyone suggest a way forward.
Thank you