Acessing Date and Time from meetingItem C#



Hey folks,
At present, I am writing a COM plugin for a meeting item. Part of the
plugin requires, that when a user presses a button that the program
can pull the time and date set for the meeting in the Inspector
window, and store this as a string.

So for instance, if i'm requesting a new meeting, and I choose the
meeting date as May 31st 2008 @ 15:30, how is it possible to access
this information from within the inspector I have open at the time,
given that the Inspector is a meetingItem one.

any and all help is appreciated

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

Cast Inspector.CurrentItem to a MeetingItem (make sure it is one by testing
for the Class property equal to OlObjectClass.olMeetingRequest). When you
have a MeetingItem object use its GetAssociatedAppointment() method and when
you have an AppointmentItem use the Start and End properties.

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