ACG Soft PDF and mail Libarary



I believe I have followed the instructions in the help file:
I have copied the library.mde file to it's own folder dirrectly under the
"C:" drive
I have copied and pasted the suggested code to an event procedure:

Private Sub Report_Activate()
Dim objPDF As New PDFClass
Dim lngResult As Long


With objPDF
.ReportName = "MyReport"
.OutputFile = "c:\copy\test.pdf"
lngResult = .Result
End With

Set objPDF = Nothing
'Copyright © 1995-2006 ATTAC Consulting Group
End Sub

I have removed the "caption" on the properties sheet
I have set the default printer for the report to Adobe PDF and saved the
I have set the references to include the "PDF and Mail Library 10.mde" file
(Itl lists as the sixth item in the references list when I revisit the
I have created a folder "C:\copy" to hold the pdf file
I have saved the report and closed out back to the object list.
I highlight the report name and click on the print icon in the menu/tool bar

There results are bazare first the adobe wants to save it to MyDocuments,
with the file name being the name of the report. Even if i click save in
this dialog box and it "starts printing" I get an error message : Error 1 or
error 2046 both of which have the message "Application-defined or
object-defined error.

What am I doing wrong? I really would like this to work.

Thanks in advance!

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