Acrobat lost from Ribbon



I just upgraded to Office 2007 from 2002 and when attempting to print from
the Adobe item, it crashed and I lost it. I have Adobe Acrobat Professional
8.0 installed.

How can I get it back...

Terry Farrell

Unless you have the latest Acrobat patches, version 8 won't work with Office

But note that you can download a free Save As PDF utility for Office from
the Microsoft Office 2007 support site.


Tony... thanks for your response. I have the latest fixes for Acrobat
Professional 8.x installed. This was only lost in Word 2007. Excel, Power
Point... etc. the Acroba Tab is there and fully functional.

Terry Farrell said:
Unless you have the latest Acrobat patches, version 8 won't work with Office

But note that you can download a free Save As PDF utility for Office from
the Microsoft Office 2007 support site.

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