ACT! 2000



I'm replacing (or trying to) an ACT! 2000 set up with a
MSAccess app. I have successfully imported and linked all
the tables but one, and I'm spinning my wheels with it.
One of the ACT! "tabs" appears to write to a text file or
something like a text file and accepts an unlimited number
of characters, or appears to. In this app it's
the "Notes/history" tab, although that may not be the
default name. I can read the entries, but cannot find how
they're linked to the main table. Anybody got any ideas ?

Tom Shearer


-----Original Message-----
I'm replacing (or trying to) an ACT! 2000 set up with a
MSAccess app. I have successfully imported and linked all
the tables but one, and I'm spinning my wheels with it.
One of the ACT! "tabs" appears to write to a text file or
something like a text file and accepts an unlimited number
of characters, or appears to. In this app it's
the "Notes/history" tab, although that may not be the
default name. I can read the entries, but cannot find how
they're linked to the main table. Anybody got any ideas ?

Tom Shearer


Not sure, but could you answer this?:

Is there a way to import different fields from multiple
Access or dBase IV tables into a single ACT! database?
ie table1 contains contact info., table2 contains company
info. and table3 contains location info. - and I want a
single ACT! database containing all info.


Actually, I think I may have the answer for you

What I believe you need to do is import the info from each individual table to a TAB (user created tabs) in ACT. Remember, Access or dBase IV are "relational" databases, ACT is a "flat" database so there's no relationships between "tables". We had this same problem when we moved from TeleMagic to ACT. We of course had some eronious data that had to be cleaed up but for the most part about 95% of our data came over correctly

Hope this helps....

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